  • 期刊


Textual Revises to "Feng Xu Zhi Ming" in "Tsinghua Bamboo Slips (Vol. 5)"




"Feng Xu Zhi Ming"was a document rewarded to Minster Ding Lǚ by King Cheng of the Chow dynasty, and it shared many similarities with the appointment inscriptions on Bronze Vessels of the Western Chow Dynasty. Scholars who faced difficulties identifying the meanings of words and nouns on the bamboo document had compared them to the inscriptions on the Bronze Vessels. Based on previous discussions by these scholars, this article will provide three arguments. Firstly, although the second slip of the document started with the word 越在 ("yuè zài"), it should not be seen as starting words. Secondly, the grammar functions of the scripts 玟 ("wén") and 珷 ("wǔ") in the second and third slips are commonly found in the early period of West Chow dynasty, therefore providing some clues to the origins of this slips. 玟 and 珷 can also be seen as the official titles of King Wen and King Wu of the Chow Dynasty, used to represent their noble status in the empire. Thirdly, 倉珪 (cāng guī) which appeared in the fifth slip can be inferred as 圭瓚 (guī zàn), according to the inscriptions on the Bronze Vessels.


曹雅荃:《西周冊命金文試探》,臺北:臺灣大學中國文學系碩士論文,2014 年7 月。DOI:10.6342/NTU.2014.00989
東漢‧許慎撰,北宋‧徐鉉校定:《說文解字》,北京:中華書局,1963 年,影印陳昌治刻本。
東漢‧鄭玄注,唐‧賈公彥疏:《周禮注疏》,臺北:藝文印書館,1965 年。
西漢‧毛亨傳,東漢‧鄭玄箋,唐‧孔穎達等正義:《毛詩注疏》,臺北:藝文印書館,1965 年。
西晉‧杜預注,唐‧孔穎達等正義:《春秋左傳注疏》,臺北:藝文印書館,1965 年。
