  • 期刊


The effect of self-management health on obese children's knowledge and behavior-A case study of elementary and middle school students in Taitung Bin-Lang


本研究目的旨在探討健康自主管理對肥胖兒童知識行為的影響。以臺東縣賓朗國小三至六年級學生為對象,採立意取樣方式共收案23位學生,以健康自主管理方案介入執行三個月再做後測,以了解方案介入之成效。所得數據以SPSS for windows 18.0套裝統計軟體處理,以描述統計、配對t考驗及卡方檢定為統計方法,顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:一、本研究受試者在健康自主管理知識上有顯著差異(p<.05),在健康體位態度上與行為上未有顯著差異。二、健康自主管理在「睡足八小時」、「天天五蔬果」、「4電少於2小時」、「每天運動30分鐘」、「喝足白開水」的指標執行上,可以讓孩子清楚界定自己的生活習慣是否適當,進而能夠抉擇與改變自己的健康行為。本研究結果發現:「睡足八小時」、「天天五蔬果」、「4電少於2小時」、「每天運動30分鐘」在前、後測達成率上,後測高於前測;在「喝足白開水」的前後測達成率中,後測低於前測。結果顯示本項健康自主管理方案經由運動訓練、健康體位融入教學及健康生活型態課程的設計,均有明顯改善,並且多項數據顯示,未來若能延長方案介入時間,並將家長納入長期教育範圍,使學生在校園以外的時間,有人可督促健康生活型態的養成,則可使效果更為顯著。


The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of healthy self-management knowledge and behavior on obese children. The sample of this research is students from grade 3 to 6 in Elementary and Junior High School in Taitung County. A total of 23 students were included in the program. The students participated in self-management program for three months, and were given pre-test) and post-test to see the effect of the intervention. The data were analyzed by using SPSS software for Windows 18.0. Paired t-test and Chi-square test were used as statistical methods, with significant level α=.05. Results: 1. There were significant differences in knowledge about healthy self-management among participants in this study (p<.05), and there was no significant difference in attitude and behavior of healthy position/state (p>.05). Second, healthy self-management in the behaviors: "eight hours of sleep," "consume five fruits and vegetables every day", "using electronic device less than 2 hours", "30 minutes of exercise every day", "drinking plain water," the implementation of the indicators could show the appropriateness of the participants’ habit, whether they change to the healthy behavior. The result show that the indicators, "eight hours of sleep," "consume five fruits and vegetables every day", "using electronic device less than 2 hours", "30 minutes of exercise every day" on the post-test are higher than the pre-test, but for the indicators "drinking plain water" are lower than the pre-test. Research implications: the self-management health program was significantly improved through the design of sports training, healthy-body integration teaching and healthy-lifestyle curriculum. Moreover, maintaining the self-management healthy program will affirm the result. Investigation of prolong intervention and involvement of parents in the long-term program is suggested for future study.


行政院衛生署(2010)。肥胖定義及處理原則。食品資訊網。,2018 年4 月20 日,資料引自http://food.doh.gov.tw/chinese/health/health_5.htm
行政院衛生署(2002)。兒童與青少年肥胖定義。行政院衛生署食品資訊網。2017 年3月31 日,取自:http:// food.doh.gov.tw/ foodnew/ Files/ Health/ChildFatDefinition.jpg
