

The sublime may intuitively seem to be an aesthetic concept that could not play a role in everyday aesthetics. However I argue that it does, and not just in the negative way described by Arnold Berleant in his critique of Disney World as a symbol of the postmodern sublime. First, I consider Zen experience as a possible source of the everyday sublime. Second, to describe one such experience I use Proust's experience of the madeleine from his great novel. Another route is through reinterpreting Edward Bullough's concept of aesthetics as ”distancing.” A fourth is through Heidegger's approach to Van Gogh's painting of shoes. Finally, I argue that Nietzsche's concepts of the Dionysian and of the ”tragic man” allow for the sublime in a way that points to a radically different interpretation of avant-garde art's relation to the everyday than that offered by Arthur Danto.


avant-garde Bullough Danto Heidegger everyday aesthetics sublime


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