  • 期刊


Research on Mobile Learning for Aircraft Maintenance




In recent years, the development of mobile learning combined with augmented reality, virtual reality and mixed reality has been widely used in undertakings such as technical maintenance and other collaborative fields. The purpose of this research is to develop mobile learning research in aircraft maintenance. We take the installation simulation training of maintenance of A330 Airbus brakes as an example, through 3D animation, interactive design and instructional videos. The training system includes three selected items: teaching, training and testing, so that students can understand the relevant knowledge and procedures of aircraft maintenance. This research aims to explore the abilities of assimilation and solidification of adaptive learning strategies. These are related to media presentations such as 3D animation and interactive interface arrangements. The system's chief challengs is how to increase the system's attractiveness and memory points for students through the simulation and interaction of virtual situations. This research uses an experimental method combined with semi-structured interviews to investigate the opinions of 33 test subjects and 5 developers. The research results show that through virtual reality animation simulation, it has a positive effect on the accuracy of information transformation and the user's interest and memory. Therefore, we believe that the use of mixed reality action learning development will drive another wave of innovative thinking in corporate fields for education and training that focuses on industrial safety.


陳昱宏、王偉丞 (2021)。數學教學融入桌遊活動對學生學習動機與學習興趣影響之研究。國際數位媒體設計學刊,13(1),27-38。
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