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The Social Process in Betel Nut Use among Adolescents





檳榔 成癮 社會網絡 社會選擇


Objectives: In this present study, we investigated social influence and social selection to explain the social process for betel nut-chewing behavior. Methods: We recruited 174 adolescents from a junior high school for a three month study with data collection in two waves. They all completed the questionnaire including the social norm and intention scale. Results: In this study, most (93%) of adolescents never chewed betel nut in both waves 1 and 2. No differences were found between both waves in intention and social norm. In the canonical correlation, the social infl uence model was not founded to be signifi cantly correlated, but the social selection model signifi cantly correlated(r=0.27, p=0.02). Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, we suggest that social selection model may best account for the relation between the perceived social norm and chewing intention. The finding may be used in the prevention program for the adolescents' betel nut-chewing problem.


social selection addiction betel nut social network


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