  • 期刊


Improvement Project of Using Mobile Technology to Enhance Postoperative Care Guidance for Hip Fractures




Taiwan has the highest incidence rate of hip fractures in Asia. Inadequate postoperative care often leads to repeated admissions of patients, wasted medical resources, and the pressure of patient care at home. Studies have pointed out that nursing guidance is an effective strategy. In the past six months, improper care at home after hip fracture surgery in this unit resulted in readmission possessed 7.4% of all cases, which initiated the motivation for improvement. The reasons for the analysis include the lack of standard operating procedures for postoperative nursing guidance, the lack of on-the-job education and training for nursing staff; the lack of nursing guidance teaching materials and the quality management mechanism of nursing guidance effectiveness. The proposed countermeasures are to establish a standard operating procedure for postoperative nursing guidance, build a nursing guidance progress information platform, establish a three-shift roster specification, plan on-the-job education and training courses for nursing staff, and produce nursing guidance materials as well as establish a quality management mechanism. The major improvement of this project is the awareness rate of postoperative nursing guidance for nursing staff has increased from 60% to 90%; the complete rate of nursing guidance has increased from 54.9% to 90% to achieve the purpose of this project and effectively improve the quality of nursing guidance.


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