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Study on Cutting Technique and Fertilizer Application for Leafy Lycium (Lycium chinese Miller)


為建立葉用枸杞扦插繁殖技術及肥料種類與栽植密度對嫩梢產量及品質之影響,本研究分別針對插穗成熟度、扦插介質及扦插時期進行試驗,以成熟枝為插穗在10~11月扦插於金針菇廢棄栽培介質:蔗渣堆肥(1:1)、泥炭土:真珠石(2:1)之介質所得成苗成活率及相關農藝性狀表現佳。在不同腐熟堆肥、氮素追肥用量及栽植密度試驗,基肥施用豬糞堆肥10 t/ha可達7.5 shoots/plant,119.52 g/plant及5,975 kg/ha。牛糞堆肥及對照組嫩梢產量分別4,727 kg/ha及3,014 kg/ha。每次採收後追施氮素30 kg/ha,可達0.47 kg/plant最高,其次為施用15 kg/ha為0.38 kg/plant,未施用追肥產量最低,僅0.25 kg/plant,顯示增施氮素追肥有助產量提昇。


葉用枸杞 扦插 腐熟堆肥 氮素 種植密度


To set up the cutting technique and to elucidate the effects of organic fertilizers and plant density on vegetative growth of leafy Lycium (Lycium chinese Miller), three experiments were conducted in this study. The results indicated that the survival rate and agronomic characteristics of ripen stems growing in two potting mediums, i.e., golden mushroom waste: sugarcane waste (1:1) and peat moss: perlite (2:1), were better than those of the other treatments for seedling propagation of leafy Lycium in northern Taiwan from October to December. To elucidate the effects of fertilizers on vegetative growth of leafy Iycium, hog waste compost and cattle waste compost were used as base fertilizer. The number of tender shoot and yield fertilized with 10 t/ha of hog waste compost were 7.5 shoots/plant, 119.52 g/plant and 5,975 kg/ha; whereas 4,727 kg/ha in cattle waste compost and 3,014 kg/ha in chemicals, respectively. The application of organic compost as base fertilizer enhanced vegetative biomass in leafy Lycium. The shoot yield, 0.47 kg/plant, was increased by dressing 30 kg/ha nitrogen, that was 0.38 kg/plant by 15 kg/ha nitrogen dressing, as compared with that of check was 0.25 kg/plant. The dressing nitrogen would increase the shoot yield in leafy Lycium.


Leary lycium tree medicinal plant compost


謝旻叡(2016)。溫度與尿素對中華枸杞(Lycium chinense Miller)生長之影響〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201603348
