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A Study of Quality Examination Standard Model for GIS Topographic Database


台灣地區從民國64年起即積極建置比例尺五千分之一至五萬分之一基本地形圖,基於近年來各縣市政府為地方建設之發展所需,基本地形圖需求已從小比例尺逐漸提昇為大比例尺之要求,因此大比例尺1/1000之數值地形圖已為目前各縣市政府都市計畫區基本需求之底圖,而數值地形圖資料庫品質之優劣,相關後續使用者於引用資料之正確與否,並影響資料庫應用於都市計畫、決策訂定與規劃策略之成效,故在數值地形圖建置計畫執行階段過程中,進行品質之抽驗與管理於資料庫品質之提昇勢必不可缺少。本研究即從GIS地形圖資料庫品質檢核之觀點,探討GIS地形圖之檢核標準模式與抽驗方式,以供後續GIS數值地形圖建置計畫品質檢核之參考依據。 本研究以空間分布之密度比例為考量因素,以傳統抽樣結合空間分布抽驗之方式,從GIS地形圖各圖層中,挑選適宜抽驗之工具,如圖幅框、行政界、都市計畫街廓圖等,針對檢核母體分布於各街廓之密度比例,以為各檢核樣本分配量多寡之依據。 最後以現地調查方式,依循1.初步概查2.全面性查核3.詳細性查核作業程序,輔助空間位置精確性與屬性資料正確性之檢核,以抽驗樣本數量比例,包括5%、7%與10%等三種樣本數量抽驗方式,來進行實證探討抽驗方法之間的差異性,在不同抽驗數量之方式,其所得之成效是相同的,本研究以符合空間分布密度考量,及分層抽樣之方法,可以較少之5%抽驗樣本數,來達到GIS數值地形圖品質建置檢核管控之目的。


The Topographic maps in scale of 1:5000 to 1:50000 have been established positively since 1965 in Taiwan. In these years, the large scale topographic maps were essential because of the county governments developed the local constructions. And that the quality of topographic data affects the plan execution, policy decision and tactic results. So during the topographic maps building time slice, the topographic data quality of examination is vital. Depending on the above reasons, this study confer with the quality examination standard model for GIS topographic database and then the results can be treated as the basis of quality examination for GIS topographic database. Next step of this study, considers the spatial characteristic of GIS database, accordingly the original data lie in spatial distribution. Therefore the density of the spatial data distribution is also a consideration. This study integrated the traditional sampling method and data distributive characteristic to choose the proper method for the examination of GIS topographic database. The numbers of exam samples are depending upon population distributive density percent in the Urban-Land-Use-Map. Finally, this research investigates at actual data samples to examine the data spatial accuracy and attribute correctness. This study discuss the difference among the 5%, 7%, and 10% samples, and the result is almost the same . This result shows that we can use the 5% samples to achieve the goal of quality examination for GIS topographic database.


GIS topographic sampling quality examination
