  • 會議論文


Innovative Furniture Design of Single Rental Room Based on Spatial Correlation and Demand Analysis


單身時代下,因短期內無法負擔買房的重擔,許多單身族選擇租屋,使得單身租屋族的人口數不斷上升。單身族在外租屋,但房東原始的布置、提供的家具不一定合用,為了讓在外的租屋能成為舒適的家,單身租屋族會添購家具加以擺設。因應單身租屋族的人口不斷上升的趨勢,國內外對於單身租屋族的空間與家具的關聯探討並不多,因此本研究著重單身生活型態與需求,探討單身租屋的空間與家具之關聯性,希冀能提供室內設計及家具設計一些參考及建議。本研究運用知名設計公司IDEO的Design Thinking中的Affinity Diagrams分析空間與家具的關聯性及Activity Analysis分析單身租屋族的生活型態,並分析目前組合式家具的結構與造型,整理出適合單身租屋族空間與家具的設計方向。經由研究分析得出:一、單身租屋族主要需求為具實用性的收納家具。二、因搬遷需求,其家具應具備易搬運、易拆組等特點。三、偏好能因應不同環境而有不同的組合式家具。四、能對應不同的空間區隔需求。結合以上研究結果,本研究提出創新簡易束帶組合櫃設計,利用束帶簡易操作就可以將櫃體組立,模組化設計使其能對應不同環境都能變化出適合的樣態。簡易組立與拆卸,在搬家時能夠輕鬆搬移。此設計提案經實作與實際空間驗證,能符合單身租屋之彈性使用需求。


Since the Gen-Z becomes the largest single population segment, they tend to rent an apartment because that buying a house remains unaffordable. The room spaces which they rented are usually furnished by their landlord and unsuitable for daily life. To make the rented room comfortable like home, single tenants are willing to purchase furniture to meet their needs and life styles. Research on spatial correlation and furniture requirement of rental room for this rising single population segment is hardly seen in literature. Therefore, this study aims at exploring their lifestyle and needs to figure out the link between the space and furniture of single living environment. It initially analyzes the daily activities and living patterns of single tenants through IDEO’s design thinking methods: Affinity Diagrams and Activity Analysis. Current trend and structure of modular furniture suitable for single rentals are also discussed. Four furniture design concerns are identified in this research: 1) the main demand is practical storage function; 2) the furniture should be easy handling and easy disassembly for future relocation; 3) flexible modular structure furniture is preferred to fit in different environments; 4) the furniture can provide various space layouts. Based on the research findings, this study proposes an innovative cabinet design by simply assembling wooden plates with straps. This design enables single tenants to modify their rental room layouts based on their space requirements. It can be assembled and disassembled without much effort, and easily moved during relocation. This innovative design prototype has been implemented and verified by the actual rental room space arrangement. The result shows its advantage of flexible spatial and functional arrangement for single rental room.
