  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Shaping ofFeature B&Bs: 5 cases in Pingtung County




The main purposes of this research are to find out: 1. what's the definition and classification of a feature B&Bs? 2. what's the factors that affect the shaping of feature B&Bs? We will try to answer the above questions from the view of stakeholder theory and man-land relationship theory. First of all, we define the characteristics of feature B&Bs and classify them by literature rewiew. Second, we choose 5 feature B&B cases to analyze thoroughly which conform with our definitions. Afterwards, we gather the materials by half structured formula thorough interviews, literature review and fieldwork. Furthermore, we discover the factors that shape the features of these products by separately analyzing the locations around the environment, the stakeholder attributes, the development phases. Finally, we induce out the direct and indirect factors which affect the features in these five B&B cases. The findings are: "the featuere B&B demonstrated by decoration" is the most popular type of all, for it's easy to achieve. The affecting factor that shapes these five case is the exquisite operation of the man-land relationship. It's the result that the stakeholder himself utilizes his landspace fully and the surrounding environment resources via his talents and skill specialties. The shaping processes are operated by the public and private sectors' suggestions, the stakeholder's perception and the indirect influences of the location. The stakeholder's perception includes his management ideas and his work experiences before. The common characteristic of its development process is: the third stage is the critical period to shape the feature B&B. The stakeholder starts to ponder what will be the characteristics of his B&B. How can he do to differentiate his B&B from others'? The most popular method is to strengthen the hardware characteristics of the B&B.


