  • 期刊


The Research on the Effect of Healthy Weight Class on the Weight Control and Physical Fitness of Overweight Female Students-A Case Study of National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High School


本研究目的在瞭解新竹女中肥胖女學生健康飲食習慣與認知現況,及健康體重課程介入前、後肥胖女學生體重控制及體適能之差異性。本研究以新竹女中99學年度第一學期一-三年級學生共2200人為母群體,以學生身體質量指數都超過24以上,採便利取樣方式共抽54位為本研究樣本,採單組前、後測設計,以SPSS 12.0版統計套裝計軟體進行分析,以描述性統計及成對樣本T檢定進行前、後測分析,所得結果顯著水準訂為α=.05。本研究結果顯示學生有正確健康飲食的認知平均在85%,但早餐飲食習慣有58.8%的學生偏向高卡路里食物,且有76.1%的學生有吃速食的習慣,有77.8%的學生有把零食當正餐來吃的習慣;在經過6個月健康體重管理課程後發現學生的身體質量指數前、後測達顯著差異;在身體適能方面前、後測也達顯著差異。本研究之結論為肥胖女學生對健康飲食的認知都相當高,但是平時的飲食習慣自我要求過低,在健康體重課程介入6個月後,肥胖女學生在體重、身體質量指數及體適能均能達到良好的管理。


This research is aimed at obtaining an in-depth understanding of the dietary habits and conceptions of overweight girls in National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High School, and examining the differences in their weight control and physical fitness before and after attending healthy weight classes. With the 2010 first-semester students of Hsinchu Girls' High School, amounting to 2200, chosen as the population, convenience sampling is employed to select 54 students as research samples from those with BMI over 24. In one-group pre-test and post-test design, the analysis is conducted using SPSS 12.0 (Statistical Program for Social Science) and the analysis of pre-test and post-test is done with the descriptive statistics and the paired-samples t-test to obtain the results, of which the significant level α is chosen to be 0.05. The research result manifests that the students with adequate concepts of healthy diet account for 85%, those who tend to consume high-calorie breakfast account for 66.7%, 76.1% of the students are found to have routine fast food consumption, and 77.8% tend to eat snacks instead of main meals. Following the 6-month healthy weight class, prominent differences between pre-test and post-test are found both in the students' BMI and in their physical fitness. Thus, the conclusion is reached that most overweight female students are fully aware of healthy diet but are relatively less self-disciplined in keeping it. After the 6-month healthy weight class, however, they come to achieve better management of their weights, BMI, and physical fitness.


healthy weight class BMI physical fitness


