  • 期刊


Types of Intergenerational Ambivalence Between Married Adult Children and Their Parents


2018年台灣正式邁入高齡社會,隨著平均壽命延長、成年子女與父母的相處及互動機會增加,代間關係議題也成為重要的家庭研究議題。綜觀台灣有關代間關係的研究,多數聚焦探討代間支持交換及感情等,相對來說探究代間互動中的衝突或正負向經驗並存的「代間矛盾」則仍有限。本研究運用「臺灣青少年成長歷程研究」(TYP)調查資料,立基於「連帶-衝突模型」理論,聚焦代間支持交換(功能連帶)及衝突等互動行為面向發展指標,以潛在類別分析策略(Latent Class Analysis, LCA),探討已婚成年子女與父母的代間互動及矛盾類型。本研究發現:已婚成年子女和父母的代間互動包括了「情感型」、「疏離型」,以及「緊密-衝突型」、「義務-衝突型」的矛盾類型;且性別存在差異,女性傾向「緊密-衝突型」、「情感型」,男性則傾向為「義務-衝突型」及「疏離型」。代間同住的家庭情境、已婚成年子女的個人資源及孝道信念確實影響代間矛盾型態。進一步,本研究針對已婚成年子女和父母的代間矛盾所存在的性別差異加以討論。


Taiwan became an aged society in 2018. Adult children and parents thus interact with each other for a longer duration and their relationships tend to be closer than in the past. Most studies in Taiwan have examined aspects of intergenerational relationships such as intergenerational support exchange, and affection. However, intergenerational relationships involve both solidarity and conflict and positive and negative feelings. This study examined the types of intergenerational interactions and ambivalence between married adult children and their parents. According to the intergenerational solidarity and conflict model, intergenerational interactions are dictated by various components: intergenerational support exchange, and conflict. For this study, data were obtained from the Taiwan Youth Project. Latent class analysis was used to develop a typology of intergenerational interactions and ambivalence. Four types of interactions were observed: obligatory-conflict, close-conflict, affection, and detachment. Intergenerational ambivalence is affected by intergenerational living arrangements, adult children's personal resources, and filial piety beliefs. This study underscores the gender differences in intergenerational interactions and ambivalence between married adult children and their parents.
