  • 期刊


Regional Economic Integration and Workers' Rights: An Implication for ECFA


區域經濟整合和勞工權益之間的關聯性,一直是勞工關係學界的熱門議題。但是,兩岸簽署經濟合作架構協議對勞工權益有何影響,卻缺乏學界論文的關注。本論文之目的,是從發掘區域經濟整合和勞工權益之間的關係,企圖歸納出對兩岸簽署EFCA的政策意涵。本文主張思考ECFA 和勞工權益關係時,不應只固守台灣內部勞工權益保障的架構,必須要從區域經濟整合的角度切入。其次,簽訂ECFA,不只是經濟決策,也是社會和政治的決策。台灣在推動簽定ECFA的政策上,必須建立一個制度性機制來處理或救濟勞工權益。這至少包括兩岸共同的勞動原則、常設勞工辦公室、以及專家評估委員會和仲裁小組。


The link between regional economic integration and labor rights has been a hot topic for researchers in the field of industrial relations. However, Taiwan's proposal to negotiate the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement with China has drawn little attention amongst industrial relations scholars in Taiwan and China. The aim of this paper is to draw implications for public policies in the event of entering into the ECFA with China by exploring the relationship between regional economic integration and labor rights. This paper claims that, firstly, the focus of the link between the ECFA and labor rights would affect not only Taiwan's labor rights protection, but also regional economic integration. Secondly, signing the ECFA is not simply an economic decision, but also involves social and political decisions. The paper concludes that common labor principles, standing labor offices, evaluation committee of experts, and arbitration committees across the Taiwan Straits need to be established as institutional arrangements for the purpose of addressing labor rights and disputes when signing the ECFA with China.


