  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Bullying Prevention and Intervention Strategies: A middle school students' perspective


本研究旨在探討國中學生對各項霸凌防制策略的知覺有效性,並依知覺有效性的排序來找出國中學生認為較有效或較無效的霸凌防制策略。研究對象為南台灣四所國中之664位國中學生(男生320位、女生344位),採問卷調查法以自編問卷進行資料蒐集,並以Rasch 技術為自編量表進行信效度驗證。結果顯示:國中學生認為較有效的防制霸凌策略依序為:「告訴師長」、「請導師與霸凌者嚴肅地對談」、「請導師與受害者聊一聊」;國中學生認為較無效的防制霸凌策略則為:「直接對霸凌者說:『不要欺負他人』」、「跟受凌者當朋友」、「學校舉辦防制霸凌行為的活動」。依此結果建議,師長適時介入宜為霸凌防制的主要策略,霸凌防制宜思考如何提升教師及學校輔導人員對於霸凌事件的專業知能。


The purpose of this study is to explore the perspectives of secondary school students on effective and ineffective bullying prevention strategies. The authors developed the perceived-effectiveness on bullying prevention strategies scale (PBPS) to acquire a more profound understanding of why bullying prevention strategies may be considered as effective or ineffective among secondary school students. The participants in this study were 664 secondary school students from southern Taiwan, including 320 boys (48.2%) and 344 girls (51.8%). This study used a self-administered questionnaire survey to collect data, and the Rasch measurement has been employed to test reliability and validity of the scale. Results show that the PBPS scale has good reliability and validity. The bullying prevention strategies considered as effective by secondary school students were "Telling teachers and adults", "Asking the teachers to talk with bullies seriously", "Asking the teachers to talk with victims". The bullying prevention strategies rated as ineffective were "Telling bullies to stop it", "Befriending the victims", "Attending the bullying prevention activities hosted by the school". The limitations and suggestions of these results are discussed at the end of this study.


Sinacore, A. L., Chao, S. C., Ho, J., & Bu, S. (2022). Teachers' Perceptions of the Implementation of the Bullying Prevention Policies in Taiwan. 中華輔導與諮商學報, (65), 63-91. https://doi.org/10.53106/172851862022090065003
