  • 期刊


The Study of Correlation between Attachment Relationship of Juvenile Delinquents and Social Workers, and the Controlling Behavior of Juvenile Delinquents


國內在處理偏差或犯罪之非行少年是以少年事件處理法第42條為基礎,然而,過去較多關注在犯罪因子與制度層面上的修正,唯有對以少年為主體的影響與改變缺少重視。基於少年之特殊性與保護之立場,將焦點擺放在社會情境之下對少年身心發展與對個人的行為產生的影響;因此,本文以「依附關係與行為控制」為主題,針對執行非行少年司法保護處分服務之組織單位中,以目前正在接受保護管束(N=72)及安置輔導(N=49)的少年為研究對象,採用自編問卷進行問卷調查,以中部地區台中和南投2個地方法院,以及3間安置機構進行調查,發出200份問卷,回收194份,扣除無效問卷,有效問卷為121份,有效回收率60.5%。 經過資料分析與整理,本研究得到幾項結論:(一)受保護處分少年的基本資料、生活狀況與目前處遇情形有差異;(二)處遇執行狀況在少年的行為控制上具有相關性;(三)少年與工作者間的依附關係以安全支持型居多,逃避抗拒最少,而安全支持依附關係對行為控制的影響最顯著,呈現正相關。最後,對於研究限制與後續建議均分別加以說明,期待司法犯罪矯治、社會工作等專業領域的處遇,能夠持續對於非行少年的關注與服務。


Jurisdictional treatment for juvenile delinquents in Taiwan is based on the 42(superscript nd) clause of the Law Governing the Disposition of Juvenile Cases. In the pass, we all paid most attention not just to modifying the law but taking an interest in the criminal facts. However, people are less concerned apart from the adolescents' individual experience also the behavioral change during the treatment period. This study aimed to research on the attachment relationship and the controlling behavior by distributing self-compiled questionnaires to the juvenile delinquents including both of probation in Taichung and Nantou juvenile courts (N=72), as well as residential community treatment (N=49). Totally 200 cases including 79 invalid cases were got in interview. In order to analyze data from investigation, the social science statistic software SPSS for window version 12.0 was used as analysis tool. To sum up, due to the data analysis and the collected information there are several points of the findings and conclusions as below: (1) The background, living conditions and recently situations after receiving the treatment of the juvenile delinquents are different from each other. (2) There have several significant relationships between the juvenile delinquents basic data and behavior controlling. (3) The safe attachment relationship which affects behavior controlling much more is in the majority, and just a small minority of the juvenile delinquents are resistant. Finally, a few of suggestions from researcher were stated at the end of study. Besides, the conclusion of this research will be provided to government and relevant organizations for reference.


