  • 期刊


The Development and Changing Rules of Middle Chinese Entering-tone Words in Western Jinyun of Southern Wu Dialect


本文的主旨在於找出南部吳語縉雲西鄉方言入聲字的中古演變規律。筆者通過對縉雲西鄉方言語料的整理、觀察和分析,發現入聲-p, -t, -k尾的消失順序是:-p先於-t, -t先於-k;混合的順序是:k-p型先於t-p型,t-p型先於k-t型,k-t型先於k-t-p型。三種入聲尾在消失之前仍然經過-?(喉塞音尾)的階段。 本文以《浙江吳語分區》、《吳語處衢方言研究》、《南部吳語語音研究》、《縉雲方言音系》為基本資料,並搭配筆者在浙江省縉雲縣西鄉地區調查後整理的《同音字匯》、《音節總表》等語料,進行結構與特徵的分析。因為入聲字在連讀變調的口語會話中會還原喉塞音尾,所以除了貫時的歷史音變研究之外,還要兼顧共時的動態的研究。筆者嘗試用「致病基因」的概念建立一套假說:我們以今音投影到中古,如果某個入聲調的字群類型裡沒有「雜合字」,那麼這個類型的演變可以用源流關係來解釋;如果在字群類型中有「雜合字」,好比某個人身上的「致病基因」,可能干擾「小韻」、「大韻」的連鎖變化,那麼這種滲透關係就必須逐字加以探究。「雜合字」愈多者表示該字群類型消失或混合的時代愈晚。 經由本文的研究,確認吳語南片縉雲西鄉方言入聲字的中古演變規律,第一步是入聲喉塞化,第二步是入聲長調化。所謂韻尾消褪是指中間經歷一個喉塞音的階段,然後才發展成現在陰入324調和陽入13調的格局。


This study investigated the development and changing rules of the Entering-tone words from Middle Chinese to the Modern Western Jinyun of Southern Wu dialect. After carefully arranging, observing, and analyzing the Western Jinyun dialect, the author found that the endings of Entering-tone words -p, -t, -k were found extinct in the order of -p, -t, and -k. The residue of competing changes produced some mixing types in the order of k-p, t-p, k-t, and k-t-p. Before -p, -t, and -k came to a total extinction, the glottal stop ending was a transitional state. The findings of structure and characteristics of Entering-tone words obtained in this study are based on the materials of Tongyin Zihui, Yinjie Zongbiao in addition to the previous studies on Zhejiang Wuyu Fenqu, Wuyu Chuqu Fangyan Yanjiu, Nanbu Wuyu Yuyin Yanjiu, Jinyun Fangyan Yinxi. In addition to the diachronic research, the synchronic research must also be emphasized because the glottal stop ending is restored in the quick connected stream of vernacular. A hypothesis based on the idea of ”oncogene” is illustrated as followings: The dialect sound from the elusive words interferes in the development of Middle Chinese. The author proposed the permeated relationship between ”the origin” and ”the development” resembling the ”oncogene” mechanism in which the oncogene may trigger the development of malignant tumor. The elusive words may interfere with rime-set and rime-group that also interact with each other from time to time, and thus rime-set can occasionally become the representation of rime-group. Therefore, the author firmly believes that the permeated relationship existed in the elusive words must be thoroughly investigated in order to properly illustrate their development. The hypothesis is that the more elusive words acting as the oncogene permeate during the past period, the latter time of Entering-tone words are either mixed or become extinct as the end result of malignant tumor. The sum of the whole matter is that the ending of the Entering-tone words became a glottal stop and then disappeared. The new re-phonologized constituents are Yinru tone 324 and Yangru tone 13.
