  • 期刊


Discussion on the Differentiation and the Combination of Geng Rhyme Groups-According to the Fanqie of Various Commentators of Annotations of the Chinese Classics


本文利用《經典釋文》所記錄的諸家反切,及其前後期語音材料,提供兩晉至唐代,歷史文獻當中梗攝分類上的差異,並參考現代漢語方言以及域外對音,大致可看出兩晉北音梗攝二、三等元音較低,四等元音較高,南朝梗攝元音都是低元音,而南北融合之後,產生了韻類的分化與合併,梗攝內部韻字,也因此互相流動,造成詩文用韻當中,看不出梗攝各類的界限。唐代之後,梗攝讀音整體而言有高化的傾向,一方面清韻元音高化與青韻合流,另一方面庚(下標 三)獨立,清(下標 三)與青仍保持對立的局面,語音的歷時演變,在此時以共時差異的面貌呈現出來。


梗攝 經典釋文 中古音 語音演變


This paper provides the differentiated elements of Geng Rhyme Groups (梗攝) in historical literatures from Jin Dynasty to Tang Dynasty by analyzing the Fanqie (反切) and the phonics materials noted by various commentators in Annotations of the Chinese Classics. By using modern Chinese dialects and extraterritorial translations as references, it can be seen that in the system of the Geng Rhyme Groups of the North, the vowels of Divisions Ⅱ and Ⅲ were lower whilst those of Division Ⅳ were higher. The vowels in the Southern Dynasty's the vowels in the Geng Rhyme Groups were low vowels. However, the systems of rhymes had been differentiated and combined after the integration of the North and the South, and those from the same system in the Geng Rhyme Groups could, as a result, be replaced by one another. This had made the Geng Rhyme Groups less distinguishable in the rhyme of poetry. Since Tang Dynasty, the pronunciation overall in the Geng Rhyme Groups had had the tendency of being high. On the one hand, Qing Rhyme (清韻) vowels were higher and integrated with Qing Rhyme (青韻), but on the other hand, those of Division III of the Geng Rhyme Groups had become an integrated system while those of Division III of Qing Rhyme (清) and Qing (青) Rhyme were still separated into two. In the history of phonics' transformation, the differentiation in the same period of time can, therefore, be presented here.
