  • 期刊


Good Japanese Teacher Expected by University Students in Taiwan: Review on Students of Non-Japanese Department and Comparisons with Those Studied in Japan


本研究以心智圖(mind map)方式調查臺灣非日語系大學生(9校:506名)心目中認為好日語教師必須具備的條件。結果得知學生最重視的範疇是「授課」,相對地學生對日語教師「知識」範疇的期待並不高。大學生最重視日語教師前5項條件是:「發音好」「會帶氣氛」「授課內容多樣」「對學生有耐性」「與學生有互動」。與先行研究結果類似,但對各條件重視的程度及排序有所不同。本研究也篩選出日本調查中未見僅臺灣學生希望的條件、及在日本調查中可見但臺灣學生未提出的條件。此外,在國立及私立大學間的學生比較方面,我國私立大學的學生較要求日語教師具高度耐性,並能簡單明瞭地教授學生日語;在性別方面,相較於女學生,男學生較要求日語教師需授課有趣且外貌佳。本研究的調查結果應能提供我國大學第二外語(日語)教學上之參考。


This study reviewed the good Japanese teachers expected in 506 university students from 9 universities in Taiwan using mind map. Most university students car e about the ”teaching” rather than the ”knowledge” aspect of teachers. The top 5 terms students look after include ”good pronunciation” ”put enthusiasm into the people gathered at the class” ”variety in lecture content” ”patent to students” ”interacting with students”. These terms are similar to those identified in previous study, though in different intensities of care and in different rankings. This study also clarified the terms different from previous studies in Japan. Additionally, the local students from private universities ask for additional patience and clarity in teaching compared with those from national universities. The male students ask more on teachers than female students on the interesting lectures and good looking of the teachers. The results presented herein are useful reference to those teachers who teach Japanese as the second foreign language in universities.
