  • 期刊


利用日本動漫為主要素材之教學設計-以「動漫日語」為例-|A study of the teaching design with Japanese anime and manga as the main materials: Using the course "Japanese anime" as an example




筆者服務之大學日本語文學系自2014學年度起開設了「動漫日語」課程,這是一個以日本動漫為主要素材的課程。而日本動漫數量極為龐大,依其類型不同,內容也迥然不同,如何取材成了該課程在教學設計上的一大難題。因此,本文的焦點將鎖定在教學細目的制定,特別是筆者在選擇素材時的考量因素以及思考方向。從文獻探討中可知,既有的實踐報告以單一作品為素材者居多,而本課程考量學生學習意欲之提升,在選材上希望導入多元之複數作品,且特別留意下列幾點原則:(1)在漫畫或動畫之選項上,以有影像及音聲的動畫為優先。(2)影片長度的選擇以30至60分鐘左右可呈現完整故事性的作品為主。(3)生活動漫或學園動漫是日常會話的寶庫,適合導入做為教材。|In school year 2014/2015, the Department of Japanese Language and Literature, where the author has been working as a professor, provided a course named "Japanese Anime", a course with Japanese anime as the main teaching materials. Because there are so many Japanese anime in the market of different types and totally different contents, how to select materials was a difficult problem for the teaching design for this course. Thus, this study focused on the syllabus design, based especially on the factors the author considered and her thinking directions. According to the literature review, most of the existing practice reports used just one piece of work as their research material. For the purpose of increasing students' desire to learn, this study selected multiple materials based on the principle of high diversity, along with the principles below: (1) Anime with video and audio are preferable than manga. (2) Works with the runtime of 30 to 60 minutes which can fully present a story are preferable. (3) Life or campus anime and manga are wonderful sources of daily conversations and suitable to be used as teaching materials.


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熊野七絵、廣利正代(2008)。「アニメ・マンガ」調査研究─ 地域事情と日本語教材─。国際交流基金日本語教育紀要。4
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