  • 期刊

Google n-gram コーパスに基づく「日本語コロケーション学習支援システム」の開発研究と評価

以Google n-gram語料庫為本的「日語搭配詞輔助學習系統」之開發研究與成效評估|Development and evaluation of 'Japanese collocation learning support system' based on Google n-gram corpus




學習日語之際,大量的詞彙習得是不可或缺的,然而在現今的課程安排中,並沒有規劃充分的時間給詞彙教學,在上課時進行適當的詞彙學習指導有其窒礙難行之處,因此在授課時間以外進行自主學習便成為必然的選項。針對這樣的學習型態,也有學者提案利用「基本語彙」來讓學習者進行自主學習,不過無論是否有無教師在旁指導的語彙學習,要如何使學生在增加詞彙數量的同時,不要忘記已經學習的詞彙,依舊是件困難的挑戰。姉崎(2006)曾指出搭配詞是提高學生詞彙運用能力的最有效率指導手法。因為透過語料庫裡高頻率的搭配詞學習方式有助於詞彙區塊的習得,因此使詞彙變得容易記憶。然而在台灣,有關於透過搭配詞來學習詞彙的研究尚屬少數。因此,本研究將著眼於提升台灣學習者的詞彙運用能力,針對如何更有效率地輔助搭配詞彙學習,提出了以Googlen-gram語料庫為基礎的「日語搭配詞學習輔助系統」的開發研究方案。希望透過本系統除了提供學習者詞彙學習的搭配詞彙資訊外,也能夠強化其詞彙應用的能力。|In the case of Japanese learning, a great amount of word acquisition is indispensable. However, there is no sufficient time given to vocabulary teaching in today's curriculum. It is difficult to carry out appropriate word teaching in class. Therefore, the type of learning outside of the time of instruction becomes an option. In view of this type of study, some scholars have proposed the use of "basic vocabulary" to assist learners to learn autonomously, but whether or not learning with or without the guidance of a teacher, how to make students increase the number of vocabulary and keep the studied vocabulary in memory at the same time, is still a great challenge. Anesaki (2006) has pointed out that the use of collocation is the most efficient to improve the ability of students to use vocabulary. It is because learning through high frequency word in corpus facilitates the acquisition of lexical blocks, therefore it makes words easy to remember. However, in Taiwan, there is only a small number of studies on Japanese collocation study. Therefore, this study will focus on improving the vocabulary utilization ability of Taiwanese learners, and put forward the research and development of Japanese language learning system based on Google ngram corpus for the more efficient method of learning with vocabulary. It is hoped that the system will provide learners with related collocation information, and to strengthen students' ability on word usage.


CALL 搭配詞學習 語料庫 n-gram|CALL Collocation Corpus N-gram


黃冠誠、吳鑑城、許湘翎、顏孜曦、張俊盛(2014)。學術論文簡介的自動文部分析與寫作提示。Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing。19(4),29-46。
