  • 期刊


台灣的大學在遠距日語教學的現況與課題-透過問卷與作文資料之分析-|The Current State and Prospects of Online Japanese Classes in Taiwan's Universities: Analyses of Date from Questionnaires and Compositions




本研究主要探討台灣的大學遠距日語教學的現況、課題以及可能性。本研究進行了以下兩項分析:(1)針對主修日語大學生所做的遠距日語教學相關問卷調查結果的分析、(2)主修日語大學生所寫的遠距日語教學相關作文的分析。在這兩項的分析探討後所得到的結論如下。1.多半學生都遇到過網路及設備相關的問題,導致線上學習受阻,也有部分學生在沒有適宜的學習場所的情況下參加遠距教學。2.多半學生都認為遠距教學的缺點比優點多,在現階段遠距教學還無法取代實體教學。3.部分學生希望在疫情結束後,繼續讓實體教學與遠距教學並存。4.今後遠距教學成功與發展的關鍵,就是「改善網路通訊環境」、「提升教師網路素養及調整授課方式」、「提升學生自我管理能力」。|This paper aims to examine the current state, the prospects, and the potentiality of online Japanese education in Taiwan's universities. Two sets of data, including questionnaires and compositions on online classes both completed by the students majoring in Japanese, are analyzed. Conclusions are drawn as follows. 1. Most students ever encountered internet or device related issues, and some joined online classes without an appropriate environment. 2. Most students believed the drawbacks of online classes outweigh its advantages, expressing the irreplaceability of in-person classes. 3. Some students expressed their wishes that online and in -person modes would coexist after the pandemic. 4. Improvement of online communication environment, educators' digital literacy and adjustable teaching me thods, and enhancement of students' self-management skills are keys to the success and future development of online education.|This paper aims to examine the current state, the prospects, and the potentiality of online Japanese education in Taiwan's universities. Two sets of data, including questionnaires and compositions on online classes both completed by the students majoring in Japanese, are analyzed. Conclusions are drawn as follows. 1. Most students ever encountered internet or device related issues, and some joined online classes without an appropriate environment. 2. Most students believed the drawbacks of online classes outweigh its advantages, expressing the irreplaceability of in-person classes. 3. Some students expressed their wishes that online and in -person modes would coexist after the pandemic. 4. Improvement of online communication environment, educators' digital literacy and adjustable teaching me thods, and enhancement of students' self-management skills are keys to the success and future development of online education.


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