  • 期刊


Social Risks and Social Insurance: An Essay on German Farmers' Special Welfare System


社會福利政策目標;主要在提供國民面臨社會風險事故的物質生活或兢業能力安全保障,有是鑑於社會保險模式強調連帶責任、互助與強迫自助、風險移轉的理念,為各國推行社會福利的主流制度。基此,本研究分別從建構模式、制度設計,實施成效與問題三部份,來釐析德國去如何建構農民專屬福利體制,以資我國因應WTO 衝擊,推動農民社會福利政策之借鏡。 德國農民專屬的社會福利特殊體制,肇端1886 年農林業職災保險於1957年農民老年保障制度發揚光大,其特徵在於將消極的、殘補式社會福利制度,提升至積極的、發展式福利體制;並籍以發揮改善產業結構之經濟功能;相對的,德國農民特殊社會福利制度所造成的負面反應;長期則需仰賴政府財政的巨額挹注,而強制離農條款亦造成社會福利目標的嚴重拉曲。 特別值得我國深思的問題是,政府是否應放任農業部門在市場競爭下自然萎縮,還是應主動積極調控農業結構的變遷;以提昇台灣農業競爭力。其中,德國經驗可供我國取法之處,包括建立嚴謹的農民身份認定機制、社會福制制度的積極功能、保險給付的多元化;以及專職的農民保險公團;相對的,德國農民專屬社會保險體制所帶來的嚴重財務赤字,則值得我國警惕。無疑地,社會福利的所得直接移轉效果,為輔助農民渡過農業經營困境的最佳社會支撐力量,然而,如何預設公共財政挹注臨界點或確認結構改善目標,則是農政機構規劃農民專屬福利制度時,應先考量的政策前提。


Social policy aims mainly to provide economic protection against social risks accidents, which would endanger national's security of material life and employment capability. Social insurance is nowadays regarded as the mainstream institution of social welfare in most countries because that emphasizes social solidarity, compulsory mutual, self-help and risk transferring. In consideration of research objective to explore how Germany builds up a special social insurance system for farmers, therefore, the analytical framework comprises three sections: institutional constructing pattern, institutional contents arrangement and effects or problems causing of implementation. The research embraces the following findings: German farmers' special welfare system began with agriculture and forestry employment injury insurance in 1886 and was decided firmly by establishment of old-age farmer's pension scheme in 1957. The pension insurance is characterized as an active and developing welfare system, confronting traditional passive and residual one. Secondary, an occupation orientated system could enhance economical function by improving industrial structure. On the other hand, such an exceptional system would result in negative effects, especially it must rely on great governmental financial support deeply. Taiwan could learn from German experience how to position a farmer's welfare system within public social policy. In fact, the agricultural sector will under international free competition while entering into WTO. Unquestionably, a special welfare institution could provide poor and small farmers essential social supporting. Moreover, A system like German one could adjust agricultural structure and transfer income directly, which could solve both social and economic problems simultaneously.


