  • 期刊

墾丁國家公園台灣梅花鹿(Cervus nippon taiouanus)啃剝樹皮及其對當地林木之影響

Bark Stripping of the Formosan Sika Deer (Cervus nippon taiouanus) and Its Effect on Trees in Kenting National Park


墾丁國家公園經多年復育臺灣梅花鹿(Cervus nippon taiouanus),已在社頂地區野放。1997年5月發現梅花鹿開始啃食植物之樹皮。為了解此行為對當地植物可能之影響,自1999年5月至2000年4月進行深入調查。結果顯示穿越線上有15種植物,1010棵被啃,其中包括39棵大樹、660棵中樹及311棵小樹。主要被啃樹種為銀合歡(Leucaena glauca)、九芎(Lagerslroemia suhcoslata)、蟲屎(Melanolepis multiglandulosa)、梨仔(Adina racemosa)及稜果榕(Ficus septic)等。被啃致死者有9種427棵,數量佔被啃總數之42.3%,其中以銀合歡之數量最多336棵(64.2 %)。主要死因為整圈樹皮被啃似環狀剝皮,或重複被啃致死。本區與其他未有啃食現象之地區比較,其地表植種較其他區少,裸露表土面積較其他區多,顯示本區食物較其他區少。另從磨痕及排遺數量較其他區多來看,顯示本區鹿隻密度較其他區高。由此可知,啃痕的出現與食物缺乏或鹿隻密度高有關。至於啃痕出現之時間各月均有,但以2至5月之數量較多,可能與乾季食物較缺乏有關。


After long term monitoring of restoring Formosan Sika deer (Cervus nippon taiouanus) herd at Kenting National Park. Tree barking behavior was found in May 1997. To assess the impact of such activity on local plants, we conducted a survey from May 1999 to Apr. 2000 on 3 sections with different deer density. The result showed 1010 plants from 15 plant species were barked by the deer in Section 4. No tree barking was found in other areas. Of those barked trees 39 were large sized tree, 660 medium and 311 small. The major species were Leucaena glauca, Lagerstroemia subcostata, Melanolepis multiglandulosa, Adina racemosa and Ficus septica. Four hundred and twenty seven trees (42.3%) from 9 species were killed by the activity. Among them Leucaena glauca had the hardest hit (64.2%). The cause of death was due either to ring stripping or to multiple peeling. When Section 4 was compared with other 2 Sections without tree barking, fewer ground plant species and less cover were found. This indicated that overexploitation of food sources by the deer in Section 4. Other characters such as high density of tree rubbing and deer dropping found in Section 4 indicated that the tree barking behavior was resulting from high deer population in that Section. The barking activity found every month with its peak from Feb. to May coincided with the dry season when food source was in short supply.


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