  • 期刊


A Critique of "Knowledge-Based Economy" and Some Thoughts on Taiwan's National Development Strategy




The paper criticizes the definitional and conceptual difficulties of ”knowledge-based economy”, on the one hand, and discusses how Taiwan should try to survive and develop in the contemporary capitalism, on the other. First, the definition of the OECD seems to be systematic, but the arguments are characterized by biases. The Taiwanese state copies the catchword, formulating plans and policies without profound examination and criticism, which makes one doubt the effectiveness of those policies as they are partial. Second, there is nothing new about the concept of ”knowledge-based economy” because it is just a new name of the capitalism currently in reorganizing. Moreover, the exploitative and repressive features of capitalist mode of production remain. Lastly, the author argues that the Taiwanese state should formulate plans in view of global, regional, and national politico-economic structures to survive and develop in the contemporary capitalism.


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