  • 期刊


G-asthma: Android-based Asthma Control System


在台灣每年約有150萬人受氣喘所苦,近年來慢性下呼吸道疾病其中包括氣喘已成爲全國十大死因之一,爲了降低氣喘的盛行和突然發作,需做好疾病的管理和監控,全球氣喘組織Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA)已針對氣喘病患的診斷和管理制定出氣喘診療指引供世界各地參照。本研究建置了以行動裝置監控氣喘症狀的系統,幫助使用者計算肺活量值和記錄,經由定期的記錄,使用者出門在外或是不方便使用電腦的時候,可透過行動裝置查看記錄和肺活量的變化趨勢,而系統程式會自動判斷,提醒使用者的肺活量變化是否穩定。系統評估中,30位使用者,有83%的使用者未來願意使用此系統,80%的使用者認爲現代科技所發展的軟體系統,可以幫助民眾控制疾病。行動裝置技術的運用可以有效的管理使用者的個人健康,本研究建立的行動裝置氣喘監控系統,跳脫以往以紙本記錄的模式,使病患更加了解記錄值以及各種指標所代表的意義。


Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases. In recent years, the chronic lower respiratory disease including asthma has become one of the top ten causes of death in Taiwan. Thus the government and people have to pay more attention to the relevant issues. Internationally, the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) has recommended guidelines for asthma diagnosis and patient management. Using mobile technology to assist patients in following these guidelines will be helpful for asthma management. In this study, we designed a smart-phone-based asthma monitoring system. This system can help users to calculate and record their lung capacity value via smart phones. By regular records of lung capacity value, users can view the trend of their lung capacity in smart phones. Then the system program can automatically remind the risk and stability about their lung capacity. Additionally, we developed Asthma Control Test (ACT) assessment of asthma according to GINA and Taiwan Association of Asthma Education to help users assessing their conditions. Another function of this system is providing the severity of allergy index in different regions based on the asthma index defined by the Taiwan Association of Asthma Education. It was expected to reduce the bronchial asthma symptoms caused by environmental factors. In the system evaluation, we surveyed 30 users for the acceptance of this system. The results revealed that 83% of the users are willing to use this system. Users felt that mobile technology can effectively manage their personal health and can help people to control their disease.


