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An Introductory Study of China's Extensive Set up of "Confucius Institutes" Overseas-An Observation from an Intercultural Communication Perspective


中共建政以來,即奉馬列共產主義為圭臬,對中華傳統文化極盡破壞摧殘,尤以文化大革命時期,既「批孔」,且要將孔子思想徹底剷除;如今卻於國際戮力推廣漢語文化,而在海外遍設「孔子學院」。 自2004年11月21日,第一所「孔子學院」在韓國首都首爾成立後,截至2008年3月,已設立了238所。這些以中外合作方式建立的非營利性教育機構,總是藉他國元首赴中國大陸訪問時,簽訂在當地籌設的協議;或趁中共黨政要員出訪時舉行奠基或揭幕典禮,中共如此大張旗鼓地在全球成立「孔子學院」,其目的、作用究竟為何?是頗值深思的問題。 其次,隨交通工具與傳播科技的日新月異,異國之間人、事、物的接觸溝通等跨文化傳播的情形也日益頻繁,在傳播研究領域即稱之為「文化間傳播」。若以此觀照,藉推廣漢語和中華傳統文化而設立的「孔子學院」,即是從事跨文化的傳播行為。 為此,本文擬以相關理論為據,並以分析詮釋的方式,首將文化與文化間傳播等詞彚理念之意涵釐清,繼而探究中共在海外設立「孔子學院」的相關成因;並以「孔子學院」的籌設發展實況為印證說明;最後,則以論析中共其海外遍設「孔子學院」所期冀發揮的深層作用為結。


Since Communist China came to power, it has upheld Marxist-Leninist Communism as its top guiding policy and wrecked havoc on Chinese traditional culture, most especially during China's Cultural Revolution, when ”Confucius-bashing” aimed to totally eradicate Confucian philosophy and values. Today, China has turned around to keenly promote Chinese language and cultural studies internationally by establishing ”Confucius Institutes” extensively in many countries. Since the inception of the first Confucius Institute in Seoul, Korea on November 21, 2004, and up till March 2008, China has already set up 238 such institutes. Set up through China's cooperation with local organizations, these non-profit educational institutes were mostly initiated, and agreements signed, during state visits by foreign leaders to China; or during top Chinese officials' visits to other countries, for ground-breaking or opening ceremonies of these institutes. It is worthwhile to study and analyze what China's objectives and motivation are behind its high-profile establishment of Confucius Institutes overseas. Rapid advancement in transportation and communication technologies has allowed ever more frequent cross-cultural engagement and communication among countries by different people on various issues and topics. This is the so-called ”Intercultural Communication” in journalistic terminology. If viewed from this perspective, the establishment of Confucius Institutes for promoting Chinese language studies and Chinese culture is actually an attempt for engagement in cross-cultural communication. This study uses relevant theories as basis and analytical rationalization to clarify terminologies and principles regarding intercultural communication as these relate to the reasons for China's establishment of Confucius Institutes overseas; then use the current status and progress of these institutes as evidence and explanation; and finally, analyze China's objective and anticipated results for establishing Confucius Institutes as a conclusion.


