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The Difference of the Presentation in the Sources of Disaster News between Xinhua News Agency and Central News-As an Example of China's Sichuan Earthquake


2008年5月12日1428時芮氏規模8.0級的四川地震是中國政府建政以來,所遭遇破壞性最強、涉及範圍最廣的災難事件。然而,兩岸通訊社如何在災難新聞報導建構這場災難事件,為探討之研究問題。 本研究旨在分析新華社、中央社報導災後九天之新聞,分別經由隨機等距抽樣及全部計算等方式後,採內容分析法,以「議題生命週期」、「消息來源」等兩項類目,比較兩岸相異傳播情境下的通訊社新聞,在各新聞框架類目的變化情形。另外,藉由災難新聞、消息來源、框架理論等文獻探討,檢視兩者所呈現框架組合與意涵,在單一災難事件之異同處。 研究發現,各通訊社新聞類目之間卡方檢定均為極顯著,達統計水準。在議題生命週期中,災難地區之新華社的報導量持續增加,而非災難地區之中央社的報導量則是呈現「潛伏期、上升期、高峰期、衰退期」四個階段。兩者相同處在消息來源上引述比例依序為「處理者、第三者、當事者」。 研究結果相異是新華社報報導量呈現「穩定成長」曲線,消息來源框架變化較穩定,而中央社則是「成長趨緩」,各消息來源於議題生命週期引述比例變化較大。 研究驗證,兩岸通訊社在不同傳播情境之下,對中國四川地震災難新聞的報導上存有差異,對災情的幫助各有成效,可作為後續對災難新聞研究之參考。


In conclusion, there were clear differences between the two news agencies in different environments. That can be applied to our reference of the disaster news research. First of all, the study found that the life cycle of the subject, the XNA reports continued to increase, while the CAN is a ”latency period of rise, peak, recession,” four stages. Secondly, they focused on ”Solver” portfolio framework. The purpose of this study to analyze the ”China's Sichuan earthquake” disaster news contexts that Xinhua News Agency (XNA) and the Central News Agency (CAN) reported, and adopted content analysis to compare the contexts produced by two news agencies that was in the framework of various types of information for the purpose of changing circumstances. The 2008 Great China earthquake, a 8.0 magnitude earthquake rocked central China on Monday, killing nearly 9,000 in Sichuan County, the news agencies between two sides across the Taiwan Strait reported the incident as a disaster, thus people could quickly understand the suffering of the victims.
