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News Reports from the Chinese Communist Orientation of Public Opinion Analysis on the Xinhua News Agency Disaster Framework 2008 Sichuan Earthquake as an Example




中共 川震 新華社 災難新聞 輿論導向


The Chinese Communist direction of public opinion means the community leader spreads the message through a specific pipeline to influence community concern in public affairs. Specifically, the Chinese party regards its absolute leadership as the core of the mass communication policy. However, Western communication theories think of media as the fourth right, the party managers as oriented subject will expect to guide the content of the news, emphasize the diverse positive and negative messages, and guide the thinking and behavior of the listener, instead of the message or blockade of the one-way transmission of government propaganda.The immediate needs of disaster events are good for the Chinese Communist to break through advantages of the U.S. in the international broasting and construct the news coverage strategy with Chinese characteristics, to stablize political situaion. Therefore, the Sichuan earthquake information strategies of the Xinhua News Agency was based on the selected content of the party-state processing and the friendly expert reviews, so that the other counties understand China's facts of news as the main content in order to achieve the purpose of political communication.The type of guidance functions of government propaganda occurs simultaneously on a single spread process. Also the communication strategy of direction of public opinion in peacetime is beneficial to the transformation from peacetime to wartime, get a number of interests before and after disaster, and get the support from the public opinion.We analyze research literature to collect the relevant official publications, books, journals, papers, newspapers and other information to explore the perspective of the Chinese Communist political norms and collective leadership, summarizing the catastrophic events of the communication strategy, analysis and descriptive statistics on the Sichuan earthquake of Xinhua News reported strategy combing the direction of public opinion, party-state decision-making, communication processes and guiding role.
