  • 期刊


The Analysis of Market Segmentation of Benefit Sought and Vacation Life Style for Visitor to Whale Watching


遊客在選擇賞鯨船時可能會追求不同的利益。單一賞鯨業者可能無法滿足各種遊客之各項需求,因此有必要將整個賞鯨市場區隔出不同型態的消費市場,並對各市場類型進行瞭解與提供個別經營管理建議。本研究藉由臺灣賞鯨遊客選擇賞鯨公司之利益追求行爲來進行台灣賞鯨業之市場區隔,以區隔出不同的市場類型。並對區隔出的市場類型,依各市場類型之遊客渡假生活型態,進一步描述各區隔市場之遊客屬性。本研究利用利益追求來區隔賞鯨遊客,區隔後利用人口統計變數以及渡假生活型態對各集群進行解釋。本研究抽樣方式爲便利抽樣,有效問卷有439份,問卷調查地點包含宜蘭、花連及台東賞鯨港口。資料分析方面採用因素分析及集群分析來將賞鯨遊客分類,之後再透過單因子變異數分析以及卡方分析來判斷各區隔集群問利益追求、人口統計變數及渡假生活型態相關因素是否有差異。 研究結果顯示賞鯨遊客之利益追求共有以下六項:硬體設施、教育解說、自然放鬆、社交、健康及逃離日常生活。經集群分析法之分析,將賞鯨遊客區隔成五種類型:逃離-舒適旅遊者、健康與社交追求者、知識追求者、自然體驗者及多元化追求者;接著本研究再以渡假生活型態來進一步描述各區隔市場的遊客特性。而賞鯨遊客的渡假生活型態則可區分爲五種類型:家庭旅遊、享受生活、週末旅遊、社交聯誼與逃離生活。針對不同利益追求群體其渡假生活型態進行比較發現群體間出現顯著差異存在。


Tourists may seek different benefits in choose whale watching boat. Whale watching company may not satisfy every whale watching tourists. Therefore we should segment different types of groups for whale industry, to give provides for each groups. This research was segment the industry by the benefits tourists seek. And describe the tourists attributes of the groups by there vacation lifestyles. This study aimed to segment the whale watching visitors by the benefit sought. Further differences among each market segment were examined based on the whale watching visitors' socio-demographic profiles and their travel-related characteristics. Convenience sampling was used in this study. 439 questionnaires were collected to be distributed in the main survey. The survey was executed in harbor of whale watching including Hualien, Taitung and Yilan. During the main data analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis were proposed techniques to segment whale watching visitor into different clusters. Discriminate analysis was further used to ensure the effectiveness of each cluster. Descriptive statistics, t test, one-way ANOVA and chi-square tests were the basic statistical methods for testing the distinctions of each cluster. The result of this research was: tourists may seek facilities comfort, education, nature experience, social function, health and run away from home. Through cluster analysis, the tourists in this industry were divided into five consumption groups: run away-comfort traveler, health and social seeker, knowledge seeker, nature experience seeker and multiform seeker. Furthermore, this research describe the tourists attributes of the groups by there vacation lifestyles. Whale watching tourists can also separated into five different life styles: family travel, live for pleasure, weekend travel, social fellowship, and run away life. Finally, the among cluster of benefit sought for vacation lifestyles had significant difference.




