  • 期刊


Evaluation of Weather Conditions for Sailing Activity: A Case Study of Dapeng Bay Scenic Area, Taiwan


大鵬灣國家風景特定區係我國第四個「國家級」風景區,其設立目的為建設一個綜合型國際級水上遊憩活動區,這裡每年都會舉辦帆船橫渡小琉球的全國挑戰賽,2011年更落成啟用了國內首座配合帆船進出而設計的開啟式景觀橋,顯示帆船活動已成為本風景區的特點之一。一般海洋遊憩活動條件的研究,多數以探討波浪為主,但以帆船活動而言,風往往才是其中的關鍵。交通部觀光局與氣象局於大鵬灣及小琉球海域各設置了一個海氣象資料浮標,以逐時觀測方式記錄該海域包括風、浪、水溫、氣溫、氣壓等物理觀測量,本研究擷取資料較為完整的2008 與2010 兩年的逐時資料,以時間、區域、月份等不同維度作敘述統計,並輔以視覺化分析;再以國際帆船總會針對國際帆船競賽設定的氣象條件,包括風力、風向、風擺等要件,進行時間與空間不同面向的條件評估。研究結果顯示大鵬灣國家風景區的風力甚少達到危險的範圍,以帆船活動最關心的風況而言,時間因素比季節因素來得重要,季節上夏季比冬季有更長的遊憩時間與更佳的風況,但應留意颱風侵襲的影響;在風力條件與風擺狀況的限制下,中午時段過後是較適合從事帆船活動的時間。空間上大鵬灣的整體條件比小琉球稍佳,而涉及橫越大鵬灣與小琉球間海域的帆船活動則以4~6月的氣象條件為最佳。


Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area, the fourth national scenic area in Taiwan, is featured as an international tourism and leisure zone. A national regatta has been conducted every year, in which the participating sailboats have to race between Dapeng Bay and the nearby island of Little Liuqiu. Maritime weather and ocean conditions are very important preconditions for marine recreations, especially for sailing activity. In this paper, meteorological and oceanic information, collected from two data buoys deployed by the Central Weather Bureau and the Dapeng Bay National Scenic Area Administration, were analyzed to determine the appropriate season and time for holding the regatta. Hourly recorded data, including wind speed and direction, significant wave height, air and sea surface temperature, and barometric pressure, were first considered statistically. The racing rules and management policies of sailing competition, proposed by the International Sailing Federation, were then referred to examine the conditions of wind velocity and direction as well as wind shift. The results show that the local wind rarely reached the risky condition, timely changes are more important consideration than seasonal variations, and summer is more suitable season than winter for the sailboat racing. However, typhoons should be taken into account, because they visited Taiwan every summer. Finally, we conclude that April, May and June are the best months for holding sailboat racing in this area. In consideration of hourly wind condition, it is better to start the racing in the afternoon. Furthermore, the local condition of Dapeng Bay is better than Little Liuqiu to hold a confined boat race competition.


sailing activity data buoy wind Dapeng Bay


大鵬灣風景區管理處(2012)。玩樂大鵬灣。網址:Retrieved 2012/3/14, from http://www.dbnsa.gov.tw/user/Article.aspx?Lang=1&SNo=05003218
