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An Empirical Study on the Relationships among Pension Reform, Self-Interest Propensity, and Self-Sacrifice




In Taiwan, the 2018 civil service pension reform was one of the most controversial public policies in recent years. During the policymaking process of the pension reform, despite the majority of the polls indicating universal support for the reform, little academic research has been conducted to understand how public employees think about the reform. How much did they support or object to the reform? More importantly, given the reduction of retirement protection, did the reform make public employees care more about themselves rather than public interests? Would they, according to the equity theory, reduce their efforts in serving the public? This study surveyed public employees in 2019 and found that most public employees indicated negative views on the communication, execution, and impacts of the pension reform. And such negative views increased the belief that "we need to think more for ourselves" and decreased the willingness to self-sacrifice.


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