  • 期刊


Rationality or Sentimentality? Rorty's Conception of Human Rights and its Educational Implications


本文宗旨在探討Richard Rorty的人權思想及其相關的教育主張。本文首先說明Rorty哲學的基本觀點,第二節與第三節分別說明他對西方傳統哲學的批判及其政治哲學論點,第四節說明Rorty的人權主張,第五節為相關論辯,分析相關學者對Rorty的批判與Rorty的回應,第六節總結並析理Rorty人權思想及其感性教育的主張。


This paper aims at clarifying Rorty's conception of human rights and education. To do this it examines Rorty's critique of traditional philosophy, his political thought and the related dispute about human rights. The paper will make clear the power of Rorty's insights on education, especially his substitution of the ”sentimental” approach for the traditional ”rational” one. From Rorty's view, the goal for education to build a human rights culture is not via more reasoning or knowing, but via sympathy and compassion for more people who could have been taken as ”others” or ”aliens” or ”strangers.” In other words, the more people we care, the more people's human rights are highlighted and thus respected and promoted. That is the reason why the Rortian educators need to put more stress on the cultivation of pupil's sentimentality than rationality although the latter has been seen as the center of the conventional education.


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