  • 期刊


Critical Success Factors for Pool Operators




The purpose of this study is to explore the critical success factors affect the swimming pool business, using a Modified Delphi research method to conduct a survey of 15 experts and scholars, by way of two rounds of the continuity of the expert survey, compiled 24 pool operators critical success factors, which mainly covers the ”management” and ”operational base”, ”marketing strategy” and ”service quality” four-measure dimensions. The results showed that:1. management decision-making thinking and software systems to build on the success factors exert a great influence, the pool operator or management unit carefully consider carefully assessed.2. attached to diversify the pool of facilities and equipment is more and more, to build a high-quality facilities and equipment, elegant and comfortable environment, swimming pool, is the market trend, the operational base of internal and external hardware facilities is a great impact on success factors.3. The operator or manager of the pool should be for market segmentation and characteristics of effective marketing strategies to provide greater customer value, creating business performance.4. Swimming pool operators should actively provide fresh products, or create topic of the times, and strengthening the competitive edge to form a niche to survive, and thus attract the input of the source. Conclusion: The novelty in the present era and change, a swimming pool operators shouldbe under four business aspects of ”management” and ”operational base”, ”marketing strategy” and ”service quality”, constantly development of a new programs, thus promoting the implementation of new business activities, so that it can effectively enhance the swimmers repeat purchase intention, or to attract more swimmers to join, thus increasing market share, maintaining the growth of operating performance.


張男福(2002)。轉型策略型態對公司價值影響之實證研究 ─以傳統上市公司為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200200475
