  • 期刊


Métis Journey to Identity-searching




Métis is a unique group of people with complicated origin and characteristics to be categorized. It, métis, originally stood for a person born of mixed blood or a hybrid. Then it became the title of a nation, which struggled to build its nationhood and nationalism. In searching of an appropriate location in Canada, Métis posed challenges to interpretation of Canadian history, to Canadian policies on Indigenous peoples, as well to the integrity of Canadian territory. Not until the 1970s, following the introduction of munliculturalism in Canada, did Métis devoted to identify their legal and meaningful status. In the Constitutional Act of 1982, Métis was defined one of the three aboriginal peoples group in Canada, accompanying with the First Nations and Inuit. The other big breakthrough came from the Powley case of 2003, in which Métis' specific aboriginal rights were protected and their collective as a people was recognized. However, the journey of identity for Métis by no means ended there. As the journey continues, the emerging issues are reasonably expected.


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