  • 會議論文


The Development of Leisure Agriculture under the Influence of Landownership Distribution: The Case of Lah-si-piang Tableland, Zhuo-lan, Miau-li


本文主要是以土地所有權分配的角度,分析其對休閒農業發展的影響。在卓蘭鎮西北側的壢西坪臺地個案中,由於臺地地勢高燥、水源不足,日治以來的農業發展都是以經濟作物為主軸;但是經濟作物的經營不易,導致了臺地的土地買賣相當地頻繁,而土地交易的對象多趨向為不在地地主的結果,更是使得壢西坪臺地的農村,無法透過土地所有權的集中而增加農業生產的利基,反倒是陷入結構性的貧困之中。 因此,在壢西坪臺地的土地所有權分配多屬於不在地地主時,原居此地的農村居 民,多屬於低儲蓄的家計貧困狀況,實難應付休閒農場設立時所需要的大筆成本花費,進而導致臺地上的休閒農業幾由外來經營者所主導。簡言之,當一個農村土地所有權持續外流,該農村要自行發展休閒農業的可能性也將大為降低,農村社會發展勢必受到極大影響。


The study is from the viewpoint of landownership distribution to analysis the influence to leisure agriculture. In the case of Lah-si-piang tableland, the traditional agricultural development mainly is commercial crop under the conditions of higher terrain and poor water resource for quite some time. Consequently, the land trades were taking frequently, and local landowners almost were changed to nonlocal people. For the reasons, local people almost were low deposit and poverty, and they cannot disburse high cost to manage leisure agriculture. The leisure agriculture was managed briefly by nonlocal people in Lah-si-piang tableland now. In one word, when the rural lands are lost continually, it is not probable to develop recreational agriculture by rural local people themselves, and rural society must be took more impacts.
