  • 期刊


Studies on the Effects of Amount of Irrigation Water and Irrigation Intervals to the Growth of Rice


本試驗係以四種不同之水量及三種不同的灌期距,以臺中65號爲試驗材料,以探討水稻之生育及產量與水之關係。在不同權溉期距與水量之設計處理下,研討其對水稻之影響,進而覓求在不同氣候因子之影響下,觀察探求水稻一年二期作之各生育期耗水情形及有效降雨量之利用,對水稻產量之影響,其結果簡述如下: 1.依據二年連續試驗之結果,在稻谷產量方面經變方分析結果,除1959年之第二期作各處理間有極顯著性差異外,其他各年期稻谷產量雖有多少之別,但併未達到顯著性程度,此種現象與前人研究所獲結果大致一致。 2.積水灌區(C處理)營養生長極爲旺盛,稻藥重及紕重均較其他處理爲高,稻株易倒伏,稔實性差。 3.在此四個處理中,以積水灌區耗水最大,D處理次之,A,B處理較少。以稻生育期別作比較時,則第一期作自成活期後耗水逐漸上升,至伸長期達最高。第二期作以成活期至分蘗前期較高,以後的耗水量逐漸減少。 4.臺北地區,冬季雨量校多,自播種至插秧之一段期間多有降雨可藉利用,對稻作耕作大有俾益。第二期作除颱風暴雨帶來大量的雨水外,多屬乾燥天氣,人工給水屬大部份。如在農事耕作方面配合有效雨量,當可節省許多權概用水。




1. The present paper dealt with different amounts of irrigation water and intervals of irrigation to the paddy field in relation to various environmental factors to look into their effects on the yield of rice. 2. Four irrigation treatments, i. e. (1) deep-water level, (2) five-day interval, (3) constant-water, level and, (4) low-water level, were designed through the experiment. 3. The result of statistical analysis using the data of four rice crops in two years, showed that no difference in yield among treatments in first crop was seen, but signigicant difference was found in the second crop of 1959. 4. The weights of straw and empty-kernel in deep-water plot were higher than those of other plots. This phenomenon may be due to an excessive growth of vegetative organs resulted by lodging. 5. In the deep-water treatments plot, The largest amount of water was consumed. From the view point of saving water supply, this kind of irrigation practice is not ideal for application. In the plot irrigaed with five-day interval, rice plant grew normally and gave good yield. In addition to this, a considerable amount of water may be saved. From these reasons, the five day interval irrigation may be recommended as a standard irrigation system for paddy field. 6. The amount of water consumed in first and second crops was found to be different first each other. In the first crop, the consumption of water began to increase 20 days after transplating and reach to amximum at flower-bud-formation stage, then, gradually decreased untile maturity. The maximum watr consumption in the second crop was located at tillering stage and less water consumption was found in seeling and maturing stages. 7. In Northern Taiwan, the rainfall in rainy season of winter and spring will faciliate the field work from plowing to transplanting. However, during summer and fall, with the exception of typhoon season, the water supply is usually not enough to meet various field practices. Therefore, artificial watering is urgently needed during these two seasons. From the view point of saving irrigation water an adaption of proper rotational irrigation system is stressed.


