  • 期刊


Environmental and Genetic Variabilities of Five Quantitative Characters of Rice under Different Environmental Conditions


爲明瞭水稻五種數量性狀在不同栽培密度及氮肥量環境下之變異及遺傳變異情形,利用臺南3號(穗數型)與嘉農24號(穗重型)品種及其雜交後裔第二代爲材料,進行試驗。 統計結果顯示,此五種性状在親本及F2族羣中,對環境的反應很大。密值(S2)對穗數型、穗重型品種及其F2集團之株高、穗數、穗重及一穗粒數有負的影響,例如株高減少3~5公分;穗數減少5~6支,及一穗粒數減少450~650粒。增肥(N2)可使株高顯著增加4~9公分外,其他性狀變化均不顯著。 各性狀之遺傳率均隨栽培環境而有不同程度的表現,除穗數外,均以普肥、普值區最高,例如株高31%,穗重55%及一穗粒數26%,表示在此環境下進行選拔較爲有效;反之,穗數在增肥、密植環境下之遺傳率爲50%,表示穗數型品種在此環境下選拔效果較好。 各性狀間之各種相關係數均極顯著,以表現型相關係數最高,不同栽培環境之影響使相關係數有不同程度之表現。




Two spacings, 22.5×22.5 cm (S1) and 22.5×11.25 cm (S2), and two levels of N-fertilization, 80 kg/ha (N1) and 120 kg/ha (N2) were used to study the variations and genetic variabilities of 5 quantitative characters (plant height, panicle number, panicle weight, panicle length, and number of grains per panicle) of rice. Japonica varieties Tainan No. 3, Chianung No. 242, and their F2 generation were used for analysis. Statistical data obtained from this study showed that environmental conditions had definite effects on the 5 characters concerned. While higher level of N-application (N2) increased plant height 4-9 cm and 69-97 grains per panicle; closer planting (S2) decreased plant height 3-5 cm and 450-650 grains per panicle. The length, weight, and number of panicle were also increased by heavy N-fertilization but decreased by closer planting to a lesser extent. Heritability estimates of various quantitative characters, except panicle number, were different under different environmental conditions and were highest at N1S1, indicating selection of desirable characters should be practiced at wide-spacing and normal N-fertilization. On the other hand, selection of panicle number was preferred under conditions of closer planting and heavy N-fertilization. All the correlations among the 5 characters were significant at 1% level, and were also affected by the environmental conditions.


