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Comparison on Growth Characters between Peanut Varieties Differing in Seed Size. Ⅰ. Agronomic Characters and Dry Matter Production in the Spring Crop Season


本試驗以大粒型落花生品種Beni Bunch與小粒型品種臺南選9號爲材料,於74年春作在田間進行試驗,在落花生始花後每週取樣,測定株高、分枝之獲生興曾長、葉面積、莢果發育及植株各器官乾物質之累積與分配,以比較兩型落花生品種生長特性之差異。試驗結果顯示Beni Bunch品種單株之營養生長較爲繁茂,但因栽培密度較低,最高葉面積指數(LAI)爲5.25,乾物產量7.5mt/ha,均低於臺南選9號之7.05與8.2mt/ha;落花生於始花後3至7週之生長最快,大、小粒型品種之作物生長速率分別爲172與181kg/ha/day但隨後之速率顯著下降,爲乾物質生產低落之主因。落花生植株葉片與莖在莢果與子粒分化形成後仍繼續生長,即營養與生殖器官間有競爭現象;始花後4至9週內生成之乾物質,分配至營養器官者占65-70%,爲分配至莢果之兩倍;又在任何生育階段,營養器官乾重佔全株之比率均在65%以上,因而兩品種之收穫指數均僅爲0.3左右;乾物質分配效率低被認爲是本省落花生產量低之另一主要因素。




Two peanut varieties, Tainan S. 9 (Spanish type) and Beni Bunch (Virginia type), were used as materials for field experiments in the spring crop season of 1985. Periodical samplings were made after initial blooming to determine plant height, leaf area, pod development and dry matter accumulation and distribution. Experimental results showed that single-plant growth was more vigorous for Beni Bunch. However, owing to its lower population density, LAI and dry matter production per hectare were lower than those of Tainan 5. 9. Linear growth was recorded between 3 and 7 weeks after initial blooming for both varieties. Crop growth rate (CGR) during this period were 181 and 172 kg/ha/day, respectively, for Tainan S. 9 and Beni Bunch. Rapid decline in CGR thereafter was suggested as the main reason of low biological yield. Leaf blade and stem continued to grow after the occurrence and development of pods, i.e., competition of dry matter between vegetative and reproduction organs might occur in peanut. Over 65% of dry matter produced between 4 and 9 weeks after initial blooming was distributed to vegetative organs which was two times higher than the amount partitioned to pods. Furthermore, dry weight of vegetative organs accounted for over 65% of total plant dry weight at any stage of development. Harvest index was therefore lower than 0.3 for both varieties. The low partitioning efficiency was considered as the main cause of low pod and seed yields of peanut in Taiwan.


