  • 期刊


Effect of Pollination Stage and Cold Storage of Capsule on the Seed Germination of Haemaria discolor (Ker) Lindl.


彩葉蘭為一種兼具觀賞及藥用價值的蘭科植物,選取最佳成熟度之花粉及子房進行人工自花授粉並冷藏果莢,可以獲得最高的結果率且能適度延長果莢播種期限。研究結果顯示,彩葉蘭花朵於開花後(days after flowering,簡稱DAF)第0-5天進行授粉,最高結果率達到100%且種胚播種培養後之萌芽率也有4.46-456%,顯著優於其他各時期授粉之處理組。取花朵開花後3-5天的花粉團粒培養於含10%蔗糖和0.01%硼酸的液體培養基18hr後,其花粉萌芽率最高達到98.4%,平均每個花粉團粒有82.6條花粉管。另外,將成熟果莢置於5±10℃及100%相對溼度的冷藏環境下,可適度延長播種期限達28天。


彩葉蘭 蘭科 授粉作用 種子萌芽


Haemaria discolor (Ker) Lindl. is cultivated for the purpose of ornamental and medicinal in Taiwan. We have optimized a method for artificial self-pollination of H. discolor and for proloning capsules storage life by using cold treatment in this study. The highest fruit set (100%) and embryo germination (44.6-45.6%) were obtained when the pollinia and ovules from flower stage of 0-5 DAF (days after flowering) used for pollination. The germination rate of massules from 3-5 DAF stage were 98.4% (82.6 pollen tubes/massule) when culturing in the liquid medium containing 10% sucrose with 0.01% boric acid for 18hrs. Cold treatment on capsules at 5±1℃with 100% relative humidity was found effective to prolong seed longevity to 28 days.
