  • 期刊


The Effects of Irrigation Management Practice on Growth Period and Irrigation Water Use Efficiency in Paddy Rice


本研究應用區域降雨及作物生長特性與輪流灌溉方式,以台灣主要糧食生產且缺水最為嚴重之嘉南平原為研究區域,探討2015 年一期作水稻分別於計畫種植日期1 月16 日實施台灣農民慣行農法(Conventional practice, CP)、稻作強化體系(System of rice intensification, SRI),與調整種植日期於2 月16 日且於抽穗開花期實施7 日輪灌之節水灌溉法(Modification of water management practice, MWMP)等灌溉設計處理時,其對產量、生長期距、作物需水量、灌溉用水量及水資源生產力之影響,進而解析不同水稻田間灌溉管理操作其於缺水期之最適灌溉水量與灌溉用水效能,以因應氣候變遷或春季嚴重缺水問題。研究結果顯示,當一期作水稻種植日期由1 月16日往後調整至2 月16 日,水稻生長期距與作物需水量及灌溉用水量皆有遞減趨勢;在節水成效及水資源生產力之綜合評估,一期作水稻種植日期由1 月16 日調整至2月16 日並實施SRI 單株灌溉操作時,相較於種植日期為1 月16 日之農民慣行操作管理方式之灌溉水量,計有38.3%之節水成效,且其水資源生產力為0.78 kg/m^3 亦高於慣行農法之0.46 kg/m^3~0.5 kg/m^3 及其他灌溉操作,此水田灌溉用水管理操作策略,可提升灌溉用水調配效能,有效因應氣候變遷及春季缺水問題之解決。


The purpose of this research is to is to discover the relationship between the productivity of paddy rice and water efficiency of the irrigation water under different cultivation time, crop growth stage, and irrigation interval by field experiments at irrigation center in Chia-Nan Irrigation Association, the effect on paddy rice yield as the result of different saving irrigation on drought period paddy rice in different cultivation times and water management practice such as the conventional practice (CP) or the system of rice intensification (SRI). The second purpose is to analyze, with the prerequisite of paddy rice yield uninfluenced, the degree of drought tolerance, the minimum water requirement and the irrigation interval of paddy rice for reference to irrigation water management during drought period. The result of this research shows that, with the variety cultivation intervals, the water shortage during the first-season paddy rice, the growth interval, evapotranspiration and field irrigation requirement were reduced (from January 16th 2015 to February 16th 2015). When the water saving and water resource productivity for irrigation are considered at the same time, it is recommended to adjust the cultivation time for the drought in spring; planting on February 16th with the system of rice intensification (SRI) is recommended for paddy rice, through which the amounts of water can be saved for about 38.3%, and the amounts of water resource productivity is about 0.78 kg/m^3. The results can be applied to irrigation water management during drought period in spring and adaptive to climate change.
