  • 期刊

On Engineering Knowledge Management Methodology, System Framework and Enabling Technology for Collaborative Product Design



由於國際化競爭,“協同設計”已成為企業提高研發設計能力與整體競爭力的重要策略之一,其作法係透過由不同部門或公司的人員所組成的多功能團隊(Multi-Functional Team),在一合理化、協同化的作業程序下,運用網路與資訊技術,並藉由溝通、協調與合作,來整合地、協同地進行產品開發與設計。而協同設計之成效則繫於產品設計知識能否有效的管理與分享,因此,導入「工程知識管理」以提升產品研發與設計之績效並以累積企業之知識資產,已為產業當務之急。本論文將針對(ⅰ)產品設計活動之內隱知識的獲取與儲存,(ⅱ)內隱知識與工程資料之整合、及(ⅲ)協同式工程知識管理與分享等核心技術進行研發,再整合所研發之核心技術,建構一協同式工程知識管理系統雛型,以協助提高產品開發與工程活動之成效,進而幫助產業提高生產力與競爭力。針對上述之研究目的,本研究將(ⅰ)建立一協同式工程流程模式與工程知識管理架構,以作為協同式工程知識管理系統開發之基礎,(ⅱ)設計一協同式工程知識管理系統功能架構,以作為系統開發之依據,(ⅲ)界定並開發協同式工程知識管理系統實現技術,以利協同式工程知識管理系統之建立,與(ⅳ)實作相關實現技術,並建構一協同式工程知識管理系統雛型,以利協同式工程知識管理之實施。


Given the increasing-growing global competition, collaborative product design (CPD) is a highly promising business strategy for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises. The essence of collaborative product design lies in a distributive and collaborative process, in which people in different disciplines and from different enterprises cooperate to design products and develop related processes via remote coordination, communication, and process control. This paper describes a distributed engineering knowledge management approach for the practice of collaborative product design. In developing the proposed approach, a CPD-based engineering knowledge management methodology is first proposed under the concepts of knowledge management and collaboration. Based on the proposed methodology, a CPD-based engineering knowledge management system framework is then designed. Finally, several enabling technologies involved in the engineering knowledge management system framework are identified and developed, followed by prototype construction of a CPD-based engineering knowledge management system. Results of this research will enable the practice of collaborative product design and subsequently help engineering designers quickly and efficiently develop high quality products.


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