  • 期刊


Evaluating Submarine Selection Using Systematic Decision Model-Integrated Fuzzy System and Decision Model




This study provided a systematic methodology for submarines selection by using the fuzzy system and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The results of this study not only provide the capability to establish the decision-making model for selecting a submarine suitable to our country but also provide the headquarter of MND the overall thinking framework in strategic planning for acquisition policy for a submarine. First of all, we collect detail numerical data from four alternative submarines. By using the quality functional deployment method, we find out the quality factors that fit our submarine's needs. Using the fuzzy logic rules based on our country's strategy and expert linguistic rules, we search for the best performance of one submarine. Consequently, AHP decision model is used to compare the submarine's performance with other quality factors such as price, logistics, and shipyard technology capacity. By this systematic selection methodology, we can get a submarine which is of the best performance, the lowest price, the easist maintenance and the best design.
