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Study of High Dripping Wet and Low Ventilate for Composite Material


空調系統的使用提供了人們舒適的生活環境。空調系統中在密閉空間裡需要引進新鮮的空氣與排出廢氣,但相對的也消耗了大量的電力負荷。本研究利用針葉樹漂白牛皮漿與E型濕式玻璃纖維,配合填入適當比例的幾丁質與矽膠等吸濕材料,使用濕式抄紙方式製造透濕的複合材料,來作爲能同時回收顯熱與顯熱的全熱交換器的隔板材料。 這裡抄造三種不同游離度紙漿(400ml、500ml、600 ml)的紙張,分另別以四種不同之漿料配比針葉樹漂白牛皮紙漿[簡稱(NBKP)]與E型玻璃纖維(E-glass)混抄,並添加幾丁質與矽膠等吸濕材料。經由紙的物理性質、透溼率、透氣率測試,以找出最佳化的高透濕低透氣交流式全熱交換器隔板原紙。經由實驗發現,游離度於550ml時以NBKP:E-glass=90:10添加30%幾丁質或NBKP:E-glass=80:20添加10%矽膠可抄造出較佳的交流式全熱換器隔板之原紙。


Use air conditioning system is to provide us a comfortable living standard. In an airtight place, air conditioning equipment need to absorb a lot of fresh air and release some exhaust air at the same time, but this may cause a heavy load on energy consumption. In this study, the Nadelholz Bleached Kraft Pulp (NBKP), glass fibers for E type (E-glass) and inorganic filler, such as chitin, silica gel, were used to make the plate base sheets, which are the major component in paper-made total heat exchangers. Using the total heat exchangers to remove the exhausting indoor air would reduce the energy load of air conditioning. It has led us to derive a strong incentive to develop more efficient paper-made total heat exchanger. Using three different kinds of pulp's freeness (400ml, 550ml, 600ml) we have experimentally investigated and tested a series of studies of the physical properties of base sheets. Their tensile strength, tearing strength, ring crush strength, porosity and wet-permeation, were experimentally tested, and the effect factors and performance of the assembled total heat exchangers were discussed. As a result we found that paper of freeness 550ml which used the optimal composition of the base sheets for the total heat exchangers was the beat one to be the paper-made total heat exchanger.


