  • 期刊


Epidemiological Studies on Cigarette Smoking among Workplace Labors: Prevalence Rate, Cognition of Tobacco Hazard Control


菸害防制法於民國八十六年九月正式施行,其立法精神主要是為防制菸害,維護國民健康;而職場勞工的吸菸情形,以及職場勞工對菸害防制法的認知和職場執行菸害防制法的情形如何,不是非常清楚。因此,本研究之主要目的在於了解職場勞工吸菸情形和與吸菸有關的因素,以及職場勞工對菸害防制法的認知和菸害防制法於職場內執行情形。 本研究採用橫斷性研究設計,立意選取南部某兩個大型造船廠為研究對象,針對所選取造船廠之作業人員於民國91年3月間進行調查訪視工作,總共收集有效調查表1,848份。調查表內容涵蓋了填答者之社會人口學資料、不利健康行為的實施情形、以及對菸害防制法的認知與菸害防制法於職場內執行情形。 本研究之主要發現為,職場勞工有吸菸行為者,約有34%;進一步分析吸菸者的吸菸量,以平均每日半包或一包的量最多;菸齡以10-15年組最多。在探討與吸菸有關的因素方面,在控制了相關變項的影響後,年齡較輕者相對有較高的吸菸危險性;教育程度愈低,勞工會吸菸的可能性愈高;有嚼檳榔習慣者吸菸危險性是不嚼檳榔者的13.94倍,以及有飲酒習慣者吸菸危險性是沒有飲酒習慣者的3.35倍。有關職場勞工對菸害防制法的認知方面,約有85%的勞工知道菸害防制法已公佈施行。對菸害防制法內容非常清楚的只約有5%,大多數勞工都是了解小部分條文。而在職場內執行菸害防制法情形,有人在禁菸場所吸菸時,約有48%勞工回答偶爾會有同仁勸阻其吸菸,而只約有8%勞工回答總是有同仁勸阻其吸菸。進一步描述在禁菸場所吸菸被勸阻時,以偶爾會立即把菸熄滅及總是會立即把菸熄滅所佔比例較高,各約有28%。 綜合言之,經由本研究之分析結果,以了解職場勞工吸菸情形和與吸菸有關的因素,以及職場勞工對菸害防制法的認知和菸害防制法於職場內執行情形,供衛生單位推動職場衛生保健有關菸害防制的參考。


菸害防制法 職場 勞工 認知 吸菸


From 1997, the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, has enacted tobacco hazards control act. This Act is specifically enacted in order to prevent and control the hazards of tobacco and to protect the health of the people. However, the prevalence and associated risk factors of cigarette smoking as well as cognition of tobacco hazard control act and compliance of tobacco hazard control act among workplace labors were still largely unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate the prevalence and correlates of cigarette smoking and cognition of tobacco hazard control act and compliance of tobacco hazard control act among labors on the workplace. Cross-sectional survey was conducted among labors working in two ship-build units in southern sections of Taiwan on March 2002. A total of 1,848 workers were included in this study and those subjects completed self-administed questionnaires to obtain data on socio-demographic characteristics, prevalence of lifestyle habits, and cognition of tobacco hazard control act and compliance of tobacco hazard control act on the workplace. The study results revealed that prevalence of cigarette smoking among workers on the ship-build workplace was 34%, with an average daily consumption of between half pack and one pack of cigarette and duration of smoking between 5-15 years. In assessing the correlates of cigarette smoking among labors, the study results showed that younger age, lower educational levels, having betel-nut chewing and alcohol drinking habits were significantly associated with the presence of cigarette smoking habit. With respect to cognition of tobacco hazard control act among labors, about 85% of workers know the Act which was enacted, with only 5% of them known the Act very clearly. Regarding the compliance of tobacco hazard control act on the workplace, 48% of subjects reported that people did not allow colleagues to smoke in smoking restriction areas on occasion, but only 8% reported that they always did so. All in all, the present study results in terms of the prevalence and correlates of cigarette smoking and cognition of tobacco hazard control act and compliance of tobacco hazard control act among workplace labors may be used as a reference for tobacco hazard control program aiming at promoting health in workplace.


