  • 期刊


An Investigation of the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Subjective Well-being among Hospital Employees


目的:本研目的在瞭解醫院員工之工作滿意度與主觀幸福感的相關性及其影響因子。方法:研究採橫斷式研究設計,以立意取樣收取某高雄市立區域教學醫院全體員工為本研究對象,研究期間自2010年3月至2011年4月。有效回收問卷330份。以SPSS 17.0套裝軟體進行統計分析。結果:醫院員工70%呈現「滿意」,滿意構面中「領導統御」與「組織氣氛」以及「工作參與」呈現高度正相關;研究顯示;年齡越大、正職員工及有擔任行政主管職者工作滿意度與主觀幸福感就越高。複迴歸分析發現;『工作滿意』得分增加1分主觀幸福感可增加1.093分,『組織氣氛』得分增加1分則主觀幸福感可增加0.657分,正職人員較契約人員幸福感高3.614分,人格特質外向較內向幸福感高2.917分。結論:研究結果可供醫院管理階層致力教導員工以正向的特質來面對事情,引導建立正確的人生價值觀,適性分配適當工作職務,不但可提升員工的自我效能與員工與組織關係,更能有效增進其內心的幸福感受也可以促進員工心理健康。進而提供更完善之照護品質。


Objectives: This study is aimed to understand the subjective well-being and job satisfaction and their related factors among a group of hospital employees. Methods: The study adopted a cross-sectional design. The study period was from February 2011 to May 2011, during which period investigation was conducted by using structured questionnaire. A total of 330 employees were recruited from a regional teaching hospital in Kaohsiung City. SPSS17.0 was used for statistical analysis. Results: The results showed that: (1) 70 percent of the hospital employees expressed ”satisfied.” Among different satisfaction dimensions, ”leadership skills” was highly correlated with the ”organizational atmosphere” and ”work participation”, and the correlation coefficients were .681 and .778 respectively; (2) Older workers, extraverts, full-time employees, and former administrative supervisors perceived better subjective well-being; and (3) multiple regression results showed that an additional point in ”job satisfaction” and ”organizational atmosphere”, the subjective well-being was also increased by 1.093 points and 0.675 point respectively. The full time employees scored 3.614 points higher than the contract personnel”; and the extraverts” scored 2.917 points higher in the subjective well-being than the ”introverts”. Conclusions: The study results serves as a reference for the hospital management committed to teaching the employees to deal with matters positively, guiding them in establishing the correct values in life and appropriately allocating work duties, which will not only enhance the employees' self-efficacy and the relationship between the employees and the organization, but will also effectively enhance the inner well-being, promote the employees' mental health, and provide more comprehensive and high quality care.


