  • 會議論文


A Study of Laptop Computer's Noise Standard and Its Certification System


有鑒於筆記型電腦取代桌上型電腦已成趨勢,在人類致力提高生活品質的情況下,筆記型電腦的品質要求也相對重要,噪音便是其中一環。要有效規範筆記型電腦噪音則需有一套認證標準機制,然而綜觀市面上所有筆記型電腦的認證規範,具有噪音標準規格的認證制度並不完整。因為我們深入研究噪音,發現以往的聲音計量規範不能完全達到最佳品質,需要進一步導入基於心理聲學之聲音品質(Sound Quality)的概念。例如德國Blue Angel [1]標準僅驗證Sound power的值,但擾人的噪音不一定大聲,或者不一定能量較大。因此我們先進行市場調查,調查消費者對於現在使用的筆記型電腦的噪音感受程度,以及消費者對於認證標準的認同感與需求度。再者,本研究將參考ISO 7779 [2],並導入ISO532 [3]的響度,與ECMA-74 [4]的突出率(prominence ratio),以人因工程的方法設計並量測一定數量的樣本進行統計分析,然後訂定噪音標準。最後制定成一套推行筆記型電腦認證的可行性機制,期望世界上有一套具有聲音品質的認證機制,讓使用者可以獲得更安靜的使用環境。


As the result of the truth that notebooks gradually replace desktops, and people pursuing better life quality, quality of notebooks is much vital. Noise is one supposed to be focused. To efficiently regulate notebook noise, a convincible and public conformity assessment as well as standards with criteria should be introduced. However, the existed standards are unable to perfectly point out all kind of noise, because while inspecting and researching noise, we find parameters used in criteria only can describe specific phenomena. For example, the standard stipulated by RAL German Institute, RAL-UZ 78 (Blue Angel, for system units and portable computers), is to measure noise by sound power test, but low energy emission still may cause annoying noise. Accordingly, for advanced noise evaluation, psychoacoustics is necessary. First, this study will make market survey by questionnaire to realize how consumers feel about their notebook noise emission, and consumers' identification and requirement of conformity assessment. Second, referring to ISO 7779, loudness in ISO 532, and prominence ratio in ECMA-74, criteria for notebook noise evaluation will be made based on jury test and statistics, which can be written in a new standard. Furthermore, a conformity assessment for notebook noise is designed and discussed, to make this new standard viable. Our research expects through this mechanism can create a more silent environment for notebook users.


