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Clinical Evaluation of the Laser Interferometer


利用雷射干涉儀Laser interferometer檢查眼底網膜黃斑部份的功能可算是目前最進步與精確的方法。尤其對白內障或角膜混濁之患者而言,是一般其他方法所不能及者。本文報告利用新型Rodenstock RO2000裂隙燈顯微鏡與He-Ne Laser interferometer氦氦雷射干涉儀檢查正常眼20隻,白內障19眼及角膜混濁患者5眼所得之結果。並且分析患者在治療前後視力之差別以評估該雷射干涉儀在臨床上應用之價值。




Measuring the visual acuity, or the macular function test, has always been a problem posed for the clinicians. We have the opportunity to evaluate the new Rodenstock Retinometer, actually a laser interferometer, with a R2000 biomicroscope for clinical trial. Theoretically this instrument should produce an image-an interference fringe pattern-which is projected directly on the macular region, despite a cloudy medium. We divided the patients into three groups. The first group consisted of 10 normal individuals half of whom were eye physicians. The interference acuity when compared with the best corrected vision (Snellen Chart) was only two lines off. In the second group-18 catract eyes-the preoperative predicted visual acuity with the instrument was not as good as the postoperative actual vision as tested with Snellen chart. The third group were patients with corneal opacity. It was not possible to correlate the two. Laser interferometry for evaluation of the macular function has been thought to be a most desirable instrument both in theory and in laboratory experiments. But in some of our cases, the correlationship between preoperative predicted visual acuity and best corrected aphakic vision was not perfect, although we were using the newer commercial version. In our experience we found this instrument not too satisfactory. 1. The test itself is rather complicated. The patient has to be taught to understand the procedure and to recognize the interference fringe. 2. The test is time consuming especially if the patient is not quite intelligent. 3. The test requires dilatation of pupils. It is a fine instrument but we recommanded it for special cases or for those suspicious of poor macular function, but not for routine or screening purposes.
