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The Results of Cataract Surgery with Toric Intraocular Lens Implantation in Patients with Astigmatism



目的:報告白內障合併有散光的患者,在接受白內障手術時選用有矯正散光效果的Toric人工水晶體之術後結果。 方法:我們收集了從2007年10月至2008年5月間,總共31位白內障患者(35個眼睛)合併散光,選用toric人工水晶體植入的術前檢查和術後追蹤的資料。包括了他們的視力、散光度數,以及水晶體術後的穩定情況。 結果:在至少超過三個月以上的迫蹤,所有的水晶體都在囊袋中並無明顯術後併發症,其中有31隻眼睛的未矯正視力超過0.5。而平均的散光度數也從1.98D降至0.72D。在水晶體軸的偏轉方面,有5個人的角度在5度以上,但最大的角度為7度且只有一人。 結論:Toric人工水晶體的軸度偏轉攸關患者的術後視力以及散光度數的矯正。而白內障併散光的患者在接受Toric人工水晶體後都能有明顯的視力及散光度數改善。




Purpose: This study reports the results of visual acuity, the efficiency and rotational stability of intraocular lens (IOL) after cataract surgery with a toric IOL implantation in the patients with regular astigmatism. Method: In this single-hospital retrospective study, 31 cataract patients (35 eyes) who had received phacoemulsification and a toric IOL implantation from October 2007 to May 2008 were evaluated. Both preoperative corneal cylinder and refractive cylinder powers were checked before surgery. The Phacoemul-sifications and toric IOL implantations were all performed by the same doctor. Outcomes of the visual acuity, refractive and keratometric astigmatism, and IOL rotation after operation were evaluated. Results: In the last follow-up, the IOL remained well centered in the capsular bag, and there were no intraoperative or postoperative complications. 31 eyes had the uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA) more than 0.5 (6/12). About the astigmatism, the mean refractive astigmatism reduced from 1.98D to 0.72D in the last follow-up. The IOL axis was rotated more than 4 degrees in 5 patients in the last follow-up but had maximum of 7 degrees only in 1 eye. Conclusion: The toric IOL axis deviation relate to the efficiency of astigmatism correction and visual outcome. Initial results of our study indicate that the toric IOL implantation can help patients getting effective correction of astigmatism and good visual quality.
