  • 期刊


The Performance Evaluation Model of Knowledge Management Information Systems


隨著知識經濟時代的到來,對於知識的取得、利用、累積、分享、整合、移轉乃至於知識的創造與更新,已成為企業收益的最大來源,無論是知識吸收、知識創造、知識整合與累積、知識移轉與分享,都有賴於資訊科技的輔助,因此知識管理資訊系統已成為組織在執行知識管理流程時必備的基礎建設。近年來無論是政府機關或是和人企業都致力於知識管理的推動,並將建置妥適的知識管理資訊系統視為一項極重要的工作,以期利用資訊科技的協助,強化知識蒐集、整理、分享與擴散等活動能力,藉此提昇企業創造與利用知識的效率。然而,政府機關或是私人全業花費了龐大的人力、物力與資源所建置的知識管理資訊系統,更需要一套評估知識管理資訊系統績效的評估模式,以提供組織衡量所建構之知識管理資訊系統品質績效。 本文經由文獻探討及專家意見對知識管理資訊系統分成三大構面包含組織知識、知識管理及知識平台,以層級架構進行分層,在每一功能下建構知識管理資訊系統評估準則。針對所建立之知識管理資訊系統績效衡量指標,依指標所具備的獨立特性,進行評估,以建構知識管理資訊系統績效評估模式。經由虛擬數據進行比較與分析,以驗證此模式的完整性及可行性,並回饋給知識管理資訊系統建構者、專家及使用者,希望能提昇知識管理資訊系統之服務品質與提高使用者對於知識管理資訊系統利用率,作為未來改進之依據。


In the knowledge Economics century, business units put more attention about knowledge management (KM). Knowledge will bring great help into business performance. KM integrates process into knowledge platform. In the knowledge platform which helps group learning, sharing, posting what they need to know and how to solve the problems in the daily works. In order to build a great KM system, the first issue should be a great knowledge management information system (KMIS). Recently, government and many enterprises play into KM system, they put a lot of resources to build KMIS. It is necessary to have an evaluation system to evaluate KMIS's performance. The KMIS need to have good quality, then will have good knowledge management performance. This paper will focus on the quality of KMIS. Following the experts' opinions, the good quality of KMIS might need good quality of knowledge, good quality of KM process, and friendly to use the knowledge platform. Therefore, the evaluation concept will include this three dimensions which are organization's knowledge knowledge management and knowledge platform. This paper tries to level criteria as a hierarchy. Under the dimensions will set up evaluating criteria. Criteria may have the properties of independence, the methodology of AHP (Analytic hierarchy Process) is applied. This paper come out the results will feedback to the KMIS builders and relative experts. The contribution of this project is enhancing KMIS lifecycle, and utility for users.


