  • 期刊


Establishment and Perspectives of a Long Term Ecological Research in Agricultural Ecosystem in Subtropics


臺灣在自然生態系之研究已持續多年,2006年又在致力於推展我國長期生態研究(long term ecological research; LTER)的學者金恒鑣博士努力及農委會、國科會經費補助下,國內成立了第一個長期農業生態系(long term agricultural ecological research)研究計畫。本計畫除了建置研究站,且於隔年開始各項試驗研究工作(計有20個子計畫),而為了提升學術研究水準及拓展國際研究視野,此一長期農業生態系研究站特別與美國密西根州立大學之Kellogg Biological Station(KBS)建立起長期合作關係,更進行研究交流和人員互訪。本項多年期研究計畫之總目標在於探討符合生態觀念之農耕操作能否減少生態系中化學資材的投入,以維持亞熱帶生態系之永續經營。第一階段(2006-2011年)目標著重於臺灣現行幾種耕作制度之資材投入對生物多樣性影響、生態系生產力維持機制及其對環境衝擊等之研究,並試予探求最佳管理模式。研究站分別設立於(1)農委會臺南區農業改良場(簡稱臺南場)之雲林分場(7ha):2006-2008年分為水旱輪作田與旱作連作田等兩項生態系研究,2009年起將旱作連作田改為雙期作水田之生態系研究;(2)農委會農業試驗所(簡稱農試所)嘉義分所之溪口農場(8ha):分為水旱輪作田與雙期作水田等兩項生態系研究;及(3)農試所嘉義分所(2.5ha):選擇荔枝原生種保存園中樹齡超過10年區,分為自然生長園與管理園等兩項生態系研究。不同作物耕作系統又劃分為較高投入之慣行農耕(conventional agro-ecosystem; CA)與較低投入之永續農耕(sustainable agro-ecosystem; SA)等兩種處理,以比較施作處理差異。2009年起農委會茶業改良場(簡稱茶改場)加入研究團隊,另設立茶園之研究站。由於研究人員各具不同學術領域背景並來自不同單位,本研究乃採取Morpho-Metacat系統建置EML(ecological metadata language)格式檔案之生態資料庫,以利未來國內外試驗資訊之溝通交流。前三個研究站的氣象資料已自2007年起加入美國長期生態研究網之ClimDB氣象資料庫,成為國際LTER研究網之一員。農業生態系有別於自然生態系,其研究站之試驗研究與管理運作均較為複雜,且需要支付龐大農地租用/農場管理之費用,因此美國26個長期生態研究站中僅有KBS一個站以農業為主。而該站係屬於溫帶農業生態研究站,不同於我國建立之亞熱帶農業生態研究站,未來兩類農業生態研究站可以相互比較與分享試驗成果和研擬之農業生態系管理法則,亦可聯結其他研究站來提供更多元的生態系資訊,期能減輕人類活動對生態造成的衝擊,並助益於農業生態系的經營管理。


A long term ecological research (LTER) for agro-ecosystem in subtropics, initiated by Dr. Hen-Biau King and financial supported by Council of Agriculture and National Science Council, has launched in Taiwan in 2006. The format and structure of this research is similar to the agricultural ecosystem operated in Kellogg Biological Station (KBS) of Michigan State University, USA. The project overall is aimed at verifying the general hypothesis that agricultural management based on ecological concepts can effectively substitute for reliance on chemical subsidies in major cropping systems in subtropical region. In the first six-year program of the LTER, emphases were placed on the sustenance mechanism of productivity of agricultural ecosystem and its impact on environment and biodiversity, and efforts were sought to the optimal agricultural practices for sustaining agricultural ecosystem with complete realization of the mechanisms of productivity and biodiversity and their impact on environment. At the beginning, three experimental sites were selected based on elements concerned for LTER as follows. (1) Yuinlin branch station of Tainan District Agricultural Research and Extension Station: the site with a set-up of paddy-upland rotation cropping and upland cropping systems in 2006-2008 and changed to paddy-upland rotation cropping and paddy-paddy cropping system since 2009. (2) Chiko branch farm of Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station of Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute (TARI): the site with an arrangement of paddy-upland rotation cropping and paddy-paddy cropping systems. (3) Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station of TARI: the site using litchi orchard established longer than ten years with natural growth and human-labor management ecosystems. For the mentioned field crops ecosystems, treatments used recommended and less amounts chemical inputs were denoted as conventional agroecosystem (CA) and sustainable agro-ecosystem (SA), respectively. There were 20 sub-projects in total included in this multi-disciplinary research project in the fiscal years from 2007 to 2009. Started from 2009, studies on the ecological systems of tea garden were added to the program. Experimental data yielded will be filed and loaded with EML (ecological metadata language) format for the purposes of sharing and exchange, and Morpho-Metacat softwares are to be adopted for information management. As the first step of an international cooperation, the meteorological data collected from three experimental sites have been linked into the meteorological database of the ClimDB, a part of LTER network, in USA. Similar to other LTER for agricultural ecosystem, such as KBS of USA among 26 LTER sites nationwide, lots of human activities and resource investments are required for this LTER site in the future to come making its complexity larger than that of natural LTER study. It would be of greater importance and significance if this particular LTER site designated for subtropical systems can be well organized and operated in a consistent way in the long run. To those ecological parameters based on long-term data collection can therefore be analyzed to compare with those from other sites worldwide. The outcomes from the studies are valuable for policy-making of optimal agricultural managements that best sustain the agricultural ecosystem and minimize environmental impacts rendered by human activities.
